Hexadecimal in programming

What the Hex?

Steven Curtis
The Startup


Hex is a common way of displaying data, in order to make the data easy to read.

What does that mean? Read on…

Photo by Danika Perkinson on Unsplash

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging


  • Some knowledge of Binary for programmers (something like THIS) would be useful


Base number system: A term that means roughly the same as “Number bases”

Binary: The name of the base 2 number system

Byte (or Octet): 8 bits

Decimal: The system for denoting Integer and Non-Integer numbers

Hexadecimal (Hex): The name of the base 16 number system

Nibble: 4 bits

Number bases: The number of different digits that a system of counting uses

Don’t put a Hex on me!

Programmers will be familiar with Binary which gives access to the internal computer representation of numbers in Base 2. However, reading files of Binary would be enough to make even the most dedicated Computer Science student develop a rather hefty headache.

