Literals and Type Inference in Swift

Literally a great type

Steven Curtis
The Startup


A literal allows us to represent values in source code, and the compiler supplies us with a range of types to help us out. Furthermore, Swift helps us by inferring types for us.

This all sounds great, so join me for this deep submerge into the topic.

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging


Literal: A representation of a value in source code. An example is the type String in Swift

Type Inference: The automatic detection of data types


Literals in Swift specify a value rather than a concrete type.

For example, "Hello,World" is a String literal type as Swift initializes the default type for that kind of literal.

This can be revealed with the following:

let str = "Hello, World"
type(of: str) // String.Type

however creating a nil literal will mean that the Swift compiler is unable to infer the type.

type(of: nil) // Creates an error

