HOW TO Send Me A Request For Changing Attribution For Images

Steven Saus
1 min readMar 9, 2023


HOW TO Send Me A Request For Changing Attribution For Images

I usually make a point of putting attribution for the “featured image” on my posts, which occasionally leads to an e-mail from an artist asking me to change the link to a different site that they control. I have no problem with this — I think creators should definitely control their own web presence whenever possible.

That said, I just added a little bit to my “Links and Images” page to clarify something and to make everyone’s life easier:

Please note: If you originally posted an image to unsplash/pixabay and wish for me to change the attribution link from my blog to your primary portfolio or website, I’m happy to do so IF you

- Provide some provenance, such as a link to the image on your portfolio site (to demonstrate you’re not just a random person) and…

- I don’t have to click a link with traffic tracking to get to your website. I get enough scammy and spammy email that such things tend to get filtered out and auto-deleted.


Featured Photo by Umberto on Unsplash



Steven Saus

I write, learn, publish, and inject radioactivity in people. Not in that order. Mirrors posts at . Statements are mine, nobody else's.