No One Gives A Shit About You

Steven Shyun
2 min readJan 4, 2017


“It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who have the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.” -Adler

If you’re constantly bragging about your achievements in hopes that you will develop long lasting friendships, you should stop.

Those who want to be around you, just because of your achievements, aren’t worth it.

Friends, and I mean REAL friends, are not made that way.

People are not interested in you. They are interested in themselves.

Let me repeat that again. People are not interested in you. They are interested in themselves.

If you ever have trouble keeping a conversation going, just ask questions about the other person.

People love talking about themselves.

You already know everything about yourself.

You might as well learn something from the other person.

Everyone has qualities that make them unique.

By learning more about the other person, you might be able to help them and provide value.

Everyone has problems regardless of where they are in life.

The help you do will make them interested in you.

After hearing about Chris Sacca and Matt Mazzeo talking about their need on Periscope earlier this month, a 15 year old created a website that listed all the job openings at Lowercase’s portfolio companies.

Shortly after, he became an intern at Lowercase.

Being interested in other people can have profound effects on your career and life.

In sales, it is the job of the salesman to understand their customer’s problem and present a solution.

By showing a genuine interest in the customer, they are more like to close a deal.

You cannot sell a solution without fully understanding the problem.

As I started my journey building MechanicLot to help solve problems in the auto mechanic industry, I walked into many mechanic shops asking about problems and concerns in their everyday tasks.

I wanted to understand any current issues so that I could more thoroughly create solutions and add value to the industry.

The only way to build a product that people want is by understanding their pain points that haven’t been addressed by other solutions.

I can’t wait to share more updates with you as we get closer to our launch date.

You can follow my journey on Twitter, Facebook, and Medium :)

Special thanks to Jeffrey Lee for proofreading.



Steven Shyun

Entrepreneur + Growth Marketer, Founded, Previously Co-Founded, @steven_shyun, Snapchat: stevenshyun