Steven Washington
3 min readJun 9, 2019

The Divine Skin You’re In

My friend shared with me the phrase “God with skin on”. I’d never heard of that before. It literally took my breath away when those words hit my ears and my heart. This describes the way that God, Higher Power, Divine Love, Beloved or whatever you want to call it works in the world. God works through people. This energy that only serves to bring me and you closer to our highest good works through the people in our lives. Now, I know that some people don’t believe in a Power greater than themselves and I am not here to convince anyone otherwise. However, I believe in it and it’s enhanced my time on this dense plane tremendously.

I find it reassuring to know that there are people around who add grace, love, wisdom, and joy to my life. They will say things, take actions or just be still and present in the moment and all of those efforts have the power to change my life. Just for today.

We often don’t realize the ways that we impact each other and every living thing around us. A simple glance, a gesture, a word or action can bring comfort, guidance, safety, care, support of another person or living creature.

It’s my view that my Higher Power whispers to me throughout the day. The whisper, nudges and hunches are my intuition, the things that I see and hear that invite me to be present in my body, mind and spirit. I am invited to connect with others by being present with them. Really listening to what they are saying, and being observant to what they’re not expressing. Being willing to offer support where I can and getting out of the way when their path to their highest good needs the space to expand beyond me and that particular point in time.

Just today I saw and felt the energy of Divine Love putting its fingerprints on. the many facets of my life. The words I heard from trusted friends and loved ones provided “spiritual food” for me. I heard about the importance of being grateful and starting the day with that. Being mindful of all the distractions the world can provide to move gratitude down the list of priorities. I was reminded that my physical actions can lead my mind to a better state of being. Depending upon the mind to perform that task will often lead me astray. I listened with my heart that we all have shadows and light within us. Trust that the light will always be there, even in the darkest hours. Embrace the shadows, invite them in and don’t ignore them. They are natural and add to the richness and complexity of life. Fighting the shadows is like trying to swim upstream. It is going against the flow. Flow with life. Learn what the events of life are here to teach us. Shadows and light, night and day, feminine and masculine, heaven and earth are all present inside of everyone. When I see someone else’s shadow, I’m invited to recognize my own and have compassion instead of harsh judgment. When the judgement arises and it often does, I don’t chastise myself for having them. I see it as the life long work that we all share. We all want to be loved, safe, heard and the shadows can appear when we are in fear of not having those needs met. I know today that it’s my job to be at peace with all of those truths as best as I can. That’s the work we do on this dense plane.

So the skin you’re in is Divine and your physical being is acting on behalf of a great Power. It is working through the people in your life. It is also working through you. Look to your love ones, your friends, your coworkers, fellow commuters, grocery store clerks, restaurant wait staff, people passing you by on the street or standing next to you in the elevator. They’re all representing the Power. I hope that you can trust that Power today because it whole heartedly trusts you.

Steven Washington

I am a man who has lived a rich life. From the projects of Stamford, CT to Broadway stages to the beaches of Malibu. I write to share my experiences.