Why I Created P.volve

Stephen Pasterino
4 min readNov 25, 2017

I am thrilled to introduce you guys to P.volve! P.volve symbolizes the evolution that my Bodies by P fitness method has taken. Bodies by P, my gym in New York, started as a place that I considered to be my lab. It was a place for me to constantly experiment and learn to address all the issues women were having reaching their fitness goals.

This was where my signature method came to life and dramatically evolved as I worked with hundreds of women and narrowed down their fitness issues and how to address them. From here, I created a new method that helped women not only achieve spectacular results but to do it while maintaining optimal health and conditioning that was actually sustainable long term.

The mission was to create something new and give women in downtown New York another work-out option that wouldn’t continually break down their muscles, beat up their joints and further enhance imbalances in their muscles that lead to inflammation and bulk.

The amazing results I get for my clients

My clientele includes women of all ages (from teenagers to women in their 60’s), with a variety of fitness backgrounds — Barre, yoga, Pilates, HIIT, boxing, cycling, you name it — or even no fitness background at all.

Everything you could ever want in the fitness world is in downtown New York. These women have tried just about all the hot fitness trends, and, when all is said and done, they end up at my studio. They express a wide range of concerns but mostly that they are unhappy with their results or they have been hurt doing other work-out methods and can no longer continue. My mission is for these women to walk out feeling rejuvenated, toned, injury-free and, more than anything, confident with the body for which they have worked so hard.

Questions and responses from women worldwide

Once I started posting results and workouts on social media, the direct messages started pouring in. Women from all over the world started chiming in, saying they were having all of the same problems that the women in my gym were having. They were looking for a new way to work out that was different. Many of them were telling me they were experiencing bulk, inflammation and joint pain from their current workouts. They wanted more. I was constantly answering questions and skyping with women trying to help out as many as I could, but there was no way I could keep up with the volume.

I originally began Bodies by P because I wanted to learn how to help these woman achieve their optimal health and the results they have been looking and working so hard for. As I have seen Bodies’ grow over the past two years and the need and demand from women all over, I knew I had to bring this program to a broader audience and find a way to help many more women then I was able to here in New York.

The name

As my method developed, I knew that it was much more than just a “Body by P.” It’s about an evolution in fitness — not just the outer physical appearance but the overall health from the inside out. My method keeps evolving with my clients, and I want it to evolve with you! I am always coming up with new moves and exercises to continuously take your body to places you didn’t think it could go. Everything in society evolves — technology, culture, art; and now I feel it is a time for women’s fitness to evolve. P.volve is an evolution in fitness. The theory behind P.volve goes against the grain of all the current work-out trends. It is all about doing something good for your body and joints, not beating your body down and causing bulk and inflammation. We want to erase all the overdeveloped muscles and bring out lines and definition, giving women a natural feminine, toned physique. My goal is to share this with as many people I can and to start changing the culture of fitness and the way women approach their day-to-day workouts and how they feel about their bodies.

So, now I created pvolve.com that offers streaming and my proprietary P.ball (will be writing another blog on that soon) and other equipment that can help women get the results they need. Please check it out and let me know what you think. If you head there before end of Cyber Monday, we have free shipping within the United States and our free streaming trial was extended to 30 days!

I look forward to joining you in your fitness evolution!



Stephen Pasterino

Founder of P.volve & ThreeForm — a pre-hab fitness approach that elongates your shape & eliminates bulk. Dubbed the “Ass Master” by GQ Magazine.