Outrageous Amounts Of “Probable” Carcinogen Detected In Zantac: But Should You Be Worried?

Steve Patrick
4 min readOct 10, 2019

It has been widely reported that Zantac and other ranitidine products for treatment of heartburn and GERD were found to contain a “probable human carcinogen.” With Zantac at one point being the world’s biggest selling prescription drug, many on social media took the news poorly.

Numerous reports indicated “low levels” or “trace amounts” of NDMA were detected, with one report saying, “the amount of NDMA found in Zantac is low”, and the amount “detected in Zantac is similar to that found in bacon”.

Exposures to NDMA from fried-out bacon were demonstrated in a 2015 study to be on average, about 6.7 parts per billion, meaning a 1oz strip of fried-out bacon may possibly contain about 190 nanograms of NDMA.*

How much NDMA did they actually find in Zantac?

Valisure, the 3rd party “analytical pharmacy” that performed the tests, has filed a “Citizen Petition” with the FDA requesting the drug’s recall and has published the data on their site. According to the data, they found an astonishing amount of NDMA under certain test conditions.

Valisure has detected NDMA in excess of 3,000,000 nanograms per (150mg) tablet when analyzing ranitidine products, likely due to an…

