Master Steve Rapport
2 min readMay 27, 2019

12 Reasons Why Donald Trump MUST Be Impeached

by Steve Rapport / Indivisible SF

An impeachable offense is not necessarily a crime: it is rather an abuse of power or breach of the public trust that essentially diminishes the office of the presidency

Donald J Trump must be impeached now because the future of the republic is in grave jeopardy
  1. It is the specific Constitutional duty of Congress to hold a tyrannical president to account, which makes impeachment the right thing to do now, regardless of outcome.
  2. Our elected officials swore an oath to protect & defend a Constitution whose limits are bring tested by an increasingly lawless president. Defend it they must.
  3. As former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal says, “If indictment is off the table, then impeachment must be on it… that is the genius of our system, and the only way to ensure we remain a government of laws which no one is above
  4. Like Nixon, this president is an unindicted co-conspirator, in a campaign finance fraud conspiracy for which his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, is already in jail.
  5. According to the Mueller Report & more than 1000 former U.S. Attorneys & DoJ officials, Trump has committed multiple indictable obstruction of justice offenses for which he would be indicted if he were not president.
  6. Immigrants, communities of color and marginalized groups are being targeted every day, in the U.S. & abroad, by Trump’s racist policies, many of which violate the equal protection clause of the Constitution.
  7. Without impeachment, Congress will be increasingly prevented by this expansive Executive Branch from performing its Constitutionally mandated duty of checks and balances, and it will soon no longer be a co-equal branch of government.
  8. If the kinds of abuses that this president has committed are not impeachable, what would be? And I think the answer is nothing” — Professor Lawrence Tribe
  9. The likely failure of the Senate to do its Constitutional duty does not absolve the lower chamber of doing its duty.
  10. All 100 Senators need to be placed on the public record for posterity as either condemning or condoning this cornucopia of criminality and corruption.
  11. Although the Constitution demands that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,’ Trump is faithlessly and persistently undermining & disregarding the laws of the land.
  12. Benjamin Franklin warned us that our system of government is “a republic, if you can keep it”. If we don’t fight for it now, before Trump & Barr & Bolton & co reduce it to rubble, there may no longer be a republic to keep by November 2020.