So, how do you tune up your sketching skills?

Steve Shearston
1 min readDec 7, 2016
Photo credit: Giles Turnbull — Flickr

Even if you feel your sketching skills are one of your best assets, it’s still good for a tune up every now and then. It’s also easy to get caught in a rut where you can’t seem to get the result that you want. At times like this I’ve made a habit of checking out Spencer Nugent’s YouTube channel.

He’s got a heap of 10 minute videos on there covering topics like warming up, style and techniques and breakdowns of sketching specific objects. For anyone looking for a skills brush up or some specific tips they hadn’t thought of, I’d thoroughly recommend checking it out.

Spencer Nugent: Sketch A Day (YouTube)



Steve Shearston

Hi, my name is Steve. I'm a designer and filmmaker. After 16 years of working creatively around the world I've got some tips to share.