My Content Writing Journey — 3. Networking

Stephen Christopher
2 min readMay 8, 2023


Photo by Julia M. Cameron on Pexels

It’s been a while since I continued my story. I got a new client, and he’s been keeping me very busy; more on that another time.

There’s that tired old phrase, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” That rings true in the content writing arena, that’s for sure.

So, I want to introduce you to three people who have helped me along in my journey and have also become great friends.

The first two I met in my first turn at that bad company.

I’m not going to use their real names; I’m giving them all nicknames.

The first is a dynamic young guy from the UK living in South East Asia. His sample article was excellent, except for one minor detail; it was chock full of exclamation marks. So, based on this, his nickname is Mr EM!

He has been instrumental in my content writing career; we’ve met in real life and are very good mates. His story comes up in two articles time….

The next is a fantastic mum of two from the UK living in South America (well, she’s back in the UK now). I’m calling her Miss PJ as she once told a client she couldn’t rewrite an article as she was ‘lost in the Peruvian Jungle.’ hehe.

I was the first to employ her; when I returned, I worked for her, then later, she worked for me. She features very prominently in the following article.

The third person is another switched-on guy from the UK living in Canada (do you see a pattern here?) He’s a mad hockey fan, so I’m calling him Mr HF. He’ll also feature in article number 5 and reappear again later.

You’re going to be introduced to a couple of ‘monsters’ too, the first are the power couple in the previous two stories, but there are more to come, and they get more frightening with each story.

Now you’ve been introduced to the supporting cast; I hope you stick around to hear the rest of my story. I promise the next one isn’t too far away.



Stephen Christopher

Content writer, originally from Australia, now 'living the dream' in Thailand. My goal with Medium is to help other writers not to make the same mistakes I did.