Stevin John Entrepreneur of Blippi

Stevin John
12 min readApr 14, 2019


He’s the 28-year-old Air Force veteran turned children’s viral superstar whose videos have over a BILLION views and fans in 139 countries.

· Children’s video superstar Blippi is a US Air Force veteran named Stevin John

· The Ellensburg, Washington-based web personality originally made YouTube videos for his three-year-old nephew

· John shared tips with on how he became an internet star with adoring fans in 139 countries

· He turned his pet project into a full-blown business with shows on Amazon, a live show in the works

· The 28-year-old started the venture solo but has since hired a business manager, camera crew, musicians and animation teams

Unless you have a toddler, you may never have heard of Blippi. But the self-made viral superstar is a hero among two to six-year-olds — and his fun kids’ videos have been viewed over a billion times on YouTube alone.

Now, the former US Air Force serviceman looks set to become a household name has one of the most popular self-published shows on Amazon, a live show in the works and fans in 139 countries.

Blippi — real name Stevin John — originally wrote, filmed, starred in and edited the videos himself. Now he has an entire team to help him meet the demand for his catchy videos for youngsters.

Stevin John served as a loadmaster for the US Air Force before he became a viral sensation with his children’s educational videos. He originally dreamed of being a fighter pilot, not a kids’ entertainer

John chose the colors orange and blue for Blippi’s costume because blue is trustworthy and orange is creative (pictured as Stevin John on left and Blippi on right)

It’s a far cry from his beginnings when he started making videos for his two-year-old nephew, wearing a costume made by his mom and only got a handful of views.

Just three and a half years later the 28-year-old has amassed millions of young fans — who love his catchy videos about tractors, garbage trucks and visits to fun places such as playgrounds and aquariums.

In an exclusive interview with, John reveals how he went from fun uncle to a global internet sensation and shares his advice for other wannabe viral stars.

‘It seems like the kids really enjoy me but the parents do too because they can keep their kids entertained with Blippi and they know it’s safe content that’s educational,’ he said.

John told his fans look up to him because he does things they wish they could do. For example: he toured a garbage and recycling facility

‘I love the interaction I have with kids and parents on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email. It’s really cool because if this was 10 years ago you couldn’t really message Mr Rogers and say ‘Hey Mr Rogers this is what I love about your show,’ but kids can now.

‘It’s an amazing thing having access to all these platforms like YouTube which let you make a business out of creating content.

‘Back in the day you had to go to auditions and go to the large networks and give them all the control.

‘It’s nice that YouTube gives you a voice and allows you to do the things you want to do.

‘I’m really thankful that I’m in the position I’m in — I get to do fun things every day for a living. Basically I’m a kid again!’

John started making videos for his then two-year-old nephew Hunter (pictured with John) because he believed there wasn’t enough high quality children’s content on YouTube

Before becoming Blippi, John could not have been on a more different career path -serving in the military as a loadmaster for the US Air Force.

He joined up at 18 after high school and had dreams of becoming a fighter pilot — not a children’s entertainer.

‘I joined the Air Force and became a C-17 loadmaster with the 4th Nuclear Airlift Squadron.

When John was creating the name Blippi, he kept in mind how toddlers learn to talk from the front of their mouth

‘C-17 is a cargo aircraft with a crew of three — pilot, co pilot and load master — so I was in charge of balancing the aircraft with tanks, helicopters, pallets of food and all that. I got to fly a lot around the nation although I was never deployed.

‘I enjoyed being in the military but I didn’t like the idea of eventually having a family and not being with them for months at a time so I did my term and decided not to reenlist.’

John moved to Los Angeles and began working in internet marketing and video creation for businesses.

It wasn’t until his mid-20s when he moved back to his native Ellensburg, Washington that he got the idea of making children’s videos after seeing his nephew Hunter, then two, watching poorly-made videos on YouTube.

He began brainstorming ideas about developing a kids character who could travel around making fun educational videos and with the help of his mom — who made his trademark orange and blue costume — Blippi was born — with the first video published on January 27, 2014.

John said his nephew Hunter (right) now understands his uncle’s popularity. Hunter’s brother Holden (center) is Blippi’s biggest fan

John said his nephew Hunter (right) now understands his uncle’s popularity. Hunter’s brother Holden (center) is Blippi’s biggest fan

When creating the name Blippi, John made up 800 one word names with simple sounds a toddler could mimic (pictured with his girlfriend Alyssa)

‘I saw my nephew watch videos on YouTube and they weren’t the best quality just background music with footage and I thought ‘I can do something better than this and it will be fun to create content for him,’’ he recalled.

‘Then I went about creating a name and the outfit.

‘For the name I sat down and made up about 800 one word names stuff like ‘barboo’, ‘dindon’ ‘pingtu’.

‘I wanted the shortest names, the most repeating letters as well as happy-sounding. ‘I also remembered babies and toddlers learn to talk from the front of their mouth so I tried to use those kinds of sounds.

‘The costume I actually wear now is version two. Version one was never published I didn’t really think about the science of color or anything I just thought I’d dress up in something colorful and it had polka dots and lightning bolts, stripes — it was very noisy.

‘Then I looked at the meaning of colors and narrowed it down to blue — which is trustworthy and orange which is creative.

‘I wanted something that I looked presentable in but not a total dufus wearing and something a child would look super adorable wearing, so I settled on jeans, with a button-up shirt, bow tie, orange glasses and suspenders.

‘My mom sewed the first hat and bow tie together, and I still use that same hat now.’

Stevin John’s mother Nancy (pictured) helped design Blippi’s first blue and orange costume. He published his first Blippi video January 27, 2014

The 28-year-old Air Force veteran said he enjoys meeting fans at meet in greets. He said some children act shy and some are starstruck by his presence

John did everything himself for his first few videos, filming, editing and graphics — as well as starring in them.

And while his first video only got a couple of hits, John kept going and just three-and-a-half years later he has reached one billion hits on YouTube alone.

John now makes his living from being Blippi — earning money from ad revenue from YouTube, payments from Amazon, which streams his videos, and from merchandise.

As the brand has grown John has taken on a whole team of people including a business manager, camera crew, musicians and animation teams.

Even John admits he’s surprised just how big Blippi has become.

‘Blippi just hit a billion views on Youtube which is a really cool milestone for me,’ he said.

‘It’s crazy how it’s grown from the first video which only had a couple of views and of those views a couple of them were me!

‘It’s been the top 100 self published shows on Amazon six months in a row so I’m really proud of that. I get views from pretty much every country in the world that has YouTube.


John said he decided to not reenlist in the Air Force because he didn’t like the idea of eventually having a family and being away from them for months at a time

Blippi has been on the top 100 self published shows on Amazon for six months in a row. The popularity has opened up doors for Stevin John who plans to take a live show on the road

‘I don’t really concentrate on the money side. I get what I get and I’m very thankful for it. But I don’t dwell on that I concentrate on the content.’

John now has his sights set on producing an Amazon or Netflix Originals series with longer 20–30 minute videos with a proper show format.

And he also plans on going on tour with a live interactive show for kids, which he hopes to have up and running by the end of the year.

John believes he has been such a success because he is a big kid at heart.

‘My whole adult life when I’m playing with my nephew, or my friends’ kids or say there’s a birthday party and all the kids are playing tag I’ve always been that adult who will be out there playing tag with them.

‘I remember a couple of adults when I was young who would do that and it was really cool to me so I always wanted to be that older person who can be silly and run around and play tag when all the other adults are talking and watching.

Stevin John’s biggest tip for becoming an online sensation is to not let other people’s creativity influence your own brand

John said he considers himself a kid at heart, which is one of the reasons Blippi is so successful. His videos have been viewed over a billion times

‘Kids are smart, they have a lot of intuition, they are very creative and imaginative and they can tell when you are genuine. So when I talk to the camera I think they can feel that I’m talking directly to them, they trust me.

‘Then apart from all that there’s the fun aspect — I’m doing super fun things that they wish they could do like driving a monster truck or flying in a helicopter.

‘They can connect with me on a personal level. I’m not afraid to hang out with kids and talk with them on their level. I’m like a big kid at heart.

‘There’s been people who have asked me would you rather go forward and see the future or go back to the past and I’ve always thought I’d chose to go back in time and be a kid again.

‘I loved my childhood, I had amazing friends and I still do now. My best friend and I pinky promised the first day of kindergarten we’d be best friends for life and we still are.’

And while he has millions of fans around the world, John’s biggest fans are his family including his nephews Hunter — the inspiration for Blippi — now six, Holden, three, and his one-year-old niece Aspen.

‘Hunter thinks it’s super cool his uncle is Blippi,’ he said.

‘He’s at that age where he’s starting to understand about the amount of views I have and he knows I do this for work and that it’s popular so he thinks it is cool.

John told he interacts with his fans and their parents on social media. He uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and email to communicate with viewers

John hired a team of employees to help produce his Blippi videos including a business manager, camera crew, musicians and animation teams

‘Holden is my biggest fan right now — he loves watching the videos.

‘My parents are really supportive too, they can tell it makes me happy and it’s fun and they know the potential of my future plans with Blippi.

‘They see that I’m doing positive things and give back in some way.

‘I know kids are going to learn their colors and numbers eventually anyway but I’m really happy and grateful that I’m the one to teach millions of kids that.’

John says the most fun Blippi video he ever made was his last one where he went flying with the LAPD helicopter team.

He also enjoys meeting his young fans at meet and greets.

He added, ‘I get to see these kids face to face and it’s really rewarding to see their reactions, how shocked they are to see me in real life and the differences in reactions, some kids are very shy and some kids it’s really hard for them to believe Blippi is really in front of them and they become speechless and starstruck.’

And for other budding internet stars, John’s advice is to do something you’re passionate about, work hard and stay consistent.

‘When it comes to creating content in general my biggest tip I could give is staying consistent with yourself and the integrity of what you have set out for your brand. Don’t watch other people’s videos and have their creativity sway your creativity.

‘If you’re not getting the views you want just keep on going. It took me a while to get where I’m at right now literally working seven days a week, 12 to 16 hours a day for three and a half years.

John said children feel that he is talking directly to them in his videos. He says he is not in the business for the money and is genuinely passionate about putting out a quality product

‘Passion, dedication and don’t be a perfectionist’: John said to be successful with creating viral content it is important to have fun and to not be afraid of the learning curve

‘I wouldn’t even see it as a business at first it has to be a passion at this point. It doesn’t matter what content you do — there’s 50,000 other people doing that same thing — so it has to be a passion.

‘I got in it for my nephew and I just wanted to make him content and I believe that anyone starting it for the wrong reasons — for example just to get famous or just to get money — statistically it’s not going to work because of how much time, dedication and work it takes.

‘Also you need to keep on going even when you get discouraged.

‘So passion, dedication and don’t be a perfectionist — Blippi videos weren’t high quality in the beginning but it’s a learning process. Just have fun with what you do.’



Stevin John

Stevin John is an entrepreneur that focuses on results. He has created many successful companies like his most recent ventures Kideo and Blippi.