Machine Learning Processes to Self-learn in 2022

Statistics is a critical part of machine learning. In order to become a competent machine learning practitioner, it is important to have a strong foundation in statistics. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important statistical methods that you should self-learn in order to be successful in machine learning in 2022.

Rick St Germaine
2 min readJun 19, 2022

As machine learning becomes more and more popular, the need for statisticians who understand machine learning is also increasing. Statistics is a critical part of machine learning because it helps us to understand the data that we are working with. Without a strong understanding of statistics, it is difficult to build effective machine learning models.

There are many different statistical methods that you can learn, but some are more important than others. In this blog post, we will focus on four of the most important statistical methods for machine learning: A/B testing, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and feature selection.

A/B testing is a statistical method that is used to compare two or more different versions of a product or service. This technique is often used in marketing, but it can also be used to compare different machine learning algorithms. A/B testing is important because it allows you to see which version of a product or service is more effective.

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used to test whether a hypothesis is true or false. This technique is important for machine learning because it allows you to test your assumptions about the data. If you have a hypothesis that a certain machine learning algorithm will work better on a certain dataset, you can use hypothesis testing to test this hypothesis.

Regression analysis is a statistical method that is used to find the relationships between variables. This technique is important for machine learning because it allows you to find the relationships between features and labels. Regression analysis is also important for understanding how different machine learning algorithms work.

Feature selection is a statistical method that is used to select the most important features for a machine learning model. This technique is important because it allows you to build more effective machine learning models. Feature selection is also important for understanding how different machine learning algorithms work.

These are four of the most important statistical methods for machine learning. If you want to be successful in machine learning, it is important to self-learn these techniques. In the next blog post, we will discuss some of the most important machine learning algorithms. Stay tuned!

