35 of The Funniest Code Comments Developers Wrote! StartupHakk

Spencer Thomason
3 min readAug 2, 2022


Here are some code comments that programmers wrote on their code at some point. As hilarious as these are, they also portray programmers’ life problems. (Original Article Posted Here)

// yes, this is going to break in 2089, but, one, I’ll be dead, and two, we really ought to be using// a different system by then
if (yearPart >= 89)
// naughty bits removed….
// Do not remove this comment else compilation will fail.// TBD//My life sucks// I hate my work// I love programming and I hate my job equally//I need to change my job//I need a vacation// Holy mother of love, where is the bug//HOlY shitttt!//Need to buy a standing desk// This method takes two integer values and adds them together via the built-in
// .NET functionality. It would be possible to code the arithmetic function
// by hand, but since .NET provides it, that would be a waste of time private int Add(int i, int j) // i is the first value, j is the //second value
// add the numbers together using the .NET "+" operator
int z = i + j;

// return the value to the calling function
// return z;

// this code was updated to simplify the return statement, //eliminating the need
// for a separate variable.
// this statement performs the add functionality using the + //operator on the two
// parameter values, and then returns the result to the calling // function
return i + j;
// Return value does not matter
return 0;
// The next 5 lines of code will not execute because I have commented them out./* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 *///rememeber to comment code//I hate documentation I love comment//This causes a crash for some reason. I know the real reason but it
// doesn't fit on this line.
//TODO: Remove this comment.// I love my wife//badly need a coffee// Reminder: Movie with wife at 7 PM/**
* Gets the something
* @param num The num
* @param offset The offset
public void getSomething(int num, bool offset)
if (returnValue ==0)
System.out.println("Beware of you, the Dragons are coming!");
# Let them send messages to the world
#del self.irc_PRIVMSG # By deleting the method? Hello?
//URGENT TODO: Reimplement this shit, the old code is as broken as hell… and we tought we solved all the problems//we trick it, if forbidden, as if it had already existed//Forgive me if you can!public class A {
protected<type> foo;
public void setFoo(<type> fooVal);
public <type> getFoo();
public void doSomething() {
. . .
foo = x.munge();
. . .

public class B extends A {
/* redeclared here for clarity */
protected foo;
public void doSomething() {
. . .
foo = x.munge();
. . .
CRect rectUm; // darn near killed'em// Return a status block suitable for inclusion in the reply
// buffer to Control. Note: this code sucks.
# All your space are belong to perl
$customer =~ s/ //g;
// Bits 6, 5, and 4 must be 0, 1, and 0 respectively.
// Otherwise, the oscillator burns crazy evil crack.
/* And now, ladies and gentlemen, the chord from HELL! *///I should leave programming//this bug! damn//Need a promotion

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