Managing Feature Releases with Feature Flags

Steven Anthony
3 min readFeb 9, 2023


In today’s fast-paced software development world, it’s important to be able to quickly and safely test, deploy, and control new features in a product or application. Feature flags provide a powerful solution to this challenge by enabling developers to easily turn new features on or off, without having to deploy new code.

A feature flag, also known as a feature toggle or feature switch, is a simple boolean value that represents the state of a new feature. By wrapping the code for the new feature within an if statement that checks the value of the feature flag, developers can easily control whether the new feature is enabled or disabled.

Photo by Teguh Setiawan Paxels

Here’s how to use feature flags in your code:

  1. Create the flag: Create a feature flag in your code that represents the new feature. The flag should be a simple boolean value, set to either true or false, to indicate whether the feature is enabled or disabled.
  2. Wrap the new feature code: Wrap the code for the new feature within an if statement that checks the value of the feature flag. If the flag is true, the new feature code will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped.
if (flag_new_feature) {
// code for new feature

3. Control the flag value: The value of the feature flag can be controlled through a configuration file, a database, or a dedicated tool that provides an interface for managing feature flags.

Here’s a simple example of using a feature flag in JavaScript:

const flag_new_feature = true;

if (flag_new_feature) {
console.log("New feature is enabled");
// code for new feature
} else {
console.log("New feature is disabled");

In this example, the flag flag_new_feature is set to true, so the code for the new feature will be executed and the message "New feature is enabled" will be logged to the console. If the flag was set to false, the code for the new feature would be skipped and the message "New feature is disabled" would be logged instead.

By using feature flags, developers can test, deploy, and control new features in a safe and controlled manner, without affecting the functionality of the rest of the application. For example, a new feature can be rolled out gradually to a small subset of users, or enabled or disabled based on different user segments or conditions. Additionally, if a new feature is problematic or broken, it can be easily turned off without having to re-deploy the code.

In conclusion, feature flags are a powerful tool for managing the release and evolution of new features in a product or application. By using feature flags, developers can test, deploy, and control new features in a safe and controlled manner, without affecting the functionality of the rest of the application. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, implementing feature flags in your code can help streamline your development process and ensure that your products and applications are always running smoothly.



Steven Anthony

Hi, I'm Steven and I'm a fullstack engineer