The Astonishing Tale of Huang Yijun: Carrying a Stone Baby for 61 Years

kelvin smith
2 min readAug 17, 2023

In the annals of medical marvels, there are stories that defy belief and challenge our understanding of the human body’s resilience. One such tale revolves around Huang Yijun, a Chinese woman who unwittingly carried a stone baby for a staggering 61 years.

It all began in 1948 when Huang Yijun, at the age of 31, discovered that she was pregnant. However, her journey into motherhood took an unusual turn. A visit to the doctor revealed that her fetus was growing outside her uterus, a condition known as ectopic pregnancy. The doctor advised her to undergo surgery, but financial constraints led her to make a life-altering decision — to ignore the pregnancy.

Over the years, something extraordinary occurred within Huang’s body. In a remarkable twist of nature, the fetus began to calcify, a process that gradually turned it into what is commonly referred to as a “stone baby” or lithopedion. This rare phenomenon is the result of the body’s defense mechanism, encapsulating the fetus in a protective cocoon of calcium to prevent infection.

For six decades, Huang Yijun carried this stone baby without discomfort, a testament to the body’s capacity to adapt and endure. It wasn’t until 2009, at the age of 92, that she finally decided to seek medical attention. Doctors were astonished to…



kelvin smith

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