Tutorial: How to Use Stier Terminal

6 min readApr 18, 2024


For those participating in the closed alpha phase of Stier, this terminal serves as a handy guide on how to start using Stier. We’ll show you how to get access, create your smart account, deposit assets and start trading.

Stier is built using account abstraction technology, allowing for a smoother workflow that unlocks a lot of smart automation potential within decentralized trading. In this tutorial you’re going to take the first steps in that direction…


To get started, simply sign in with your Google, Email, or web3 wallet. You can easily do this thanks to ERC-4337 technology and our partners from Privy, removing the need for complicated onboarding flows or seed-phrases.

Google Sign-in
Google Sign-in

To Sign-in with a new Smart Account or log-in with an existing one Click the “Sign-in” Button on the top-right corner. The Sign-in modal window appears. Choose the Sign-in method.

Email Sign-In
Email Sign-In

If you’re entering through email click “submit” on the email field. Message with 2FA confirmation code will be sent to this address. Enter this code in the confirmation window.

Email Sign-In
Email Sign-In

If you’re using your web3 wallet for sign-in, choose this option, connect the wallet of your choice and Sign “sign-in request” message in your web3 wallet.

Web3 Sign-In
Web3 Sign-In

Enter Your Access Code

In the closed alpha phase of Stier, Stier Terminal is only accessible for those in possession of a closed alpha access code. In the current phase we’re eager to get as much feedback as we can from the decentralized trading community to fine-tune our product offering.

We’re hoping to welcome you in the TG group chat to discuss your findings!

Access codes are distributed on our socials, so make sure to join us and keep an eye out for codes. Really want to get in? It never hurts to ask…

Here’s 5 codes up for grabs for the fasted readers:



Simply submit your code in the interface to get in. Remember, Stier access codes are one-time use!

Entering Access Code
Entering Access Code

That’s it. Your Smart Account is ready to go. You can find your Smart account address in the top-right corner of the terminal under the account button.


To deposit assets into your account click on the account address in the top-right corner. Copy your wallet address and deposit your assets there from any other wallet that you have on web3.

Deposit Address
Deposit Address

Note: Your Smart Account address can only hold ERC20 tokens at this stage. Please make sure you transfer only Polygon ERC20 tokens to this address. As part of the closed alpha period, we are covering all network gas fees; no native coin is required. Only $wMATIC is supported, not native one.

Deposit Assets
Deposit Assets

The “Your Holdings” tab below gives you an overview of the assets stored in your smart account. Now you are all set to start using Stier Terminal!

Check Your Holdings
Check Your Holdings


To aid your trading, a convenient candlestick visualization is available for your, with access to all indicators you might need.

Trading Candlesticks
Trading Candlesticks

Starting trading in Stier is very easy. Simply choose the asset you want to trade and create an order type of your wish.

To choose the trading pair you’d like to trade, use the search bar on top of the terminal page.

Trading Pairs
Trading Pairs

We’re currently supporting trading pairs from three major DEX pools: Sushiswap V2, QuickSwap V3, and Uniswap V3.

After choosing your pair, let’s decide on the order type of trade. Currently, Stier supports

  • Market order
  • Conditional order
  • Smart Trade

More on order types you may find here https://docs.stier.trade/

How to use Market orders for trade?

Market order is a type of trade order used on trading platforms, executed immediately at the current market price. To create a Market order, select “Market” from the “Order Type” dropdown menu of the Trading widget. Choose either the “Buy” or “Sell” option. Enter the amount of the asset you wish to buy or sell and press the “Trade” button in the bottom of the trading widget.

Market Order
Market Order

How to use Conditional Order?

Conditional order in trading is an advanced type of trade order that is executed only when certain predefined conditions are met. In case of Stier, users may create “Conditional Buy” or “Conditional Sell” with a triggered price.

To create a Conditional order, select “Conditional” from the “Order Type” dropdown menu in the Trading widget. Choose either the “Buy” or “Sell” option. Enter the “Conditional Price” and the amount of assets you wish to buy or sell. Then press the “Trade” button to execute the trade.

Conditional Order
Conditional Order

Please note: in certain cases, conditional orders might not get filled/executed:

- Unusual spikes in network activity / congestion

- Price moving significantly quicker than in normal market conditions

- Slippage conditions

How to Use Smart Trade?

In this example, we explain how Smart Trade works since this is the most advanced feature for traders. You can set your limits with take profit and stop loss, just like in CEX trading but now decentralized!

Smart Trade Order
Smart Trade Order

Smart trade is a unique feature of Stier Terminal. It combines several types of orders to help traders create their own unique trading strategies and automate their trading experience. In the closed alpha, Smart trade combines Market and Conditional orders and features only “Smart buy” mode for now

Smart Buy is part of the Smart Trade functionality that allows traders to set up a buy order for an asset at the market price. Simultaneously with the buy order, traders can define take profit levels and stop loss levels.

To create a Smart Buy trade choose “Smart trade” in the dropdown menu “Order Type” of the Trading widget. Choose the “Buy” option. Type in the amount of asset you wish to buy. Then switch the toggles for “Take-Profit” and/or “Stop-Loss” to create conditional orders for selling assets.

Smart Trade Order
Smart Trade Order

Note: Take-Profit and Stop-Loss execution work as Conditional orders in the Stier Terminal.

You’re all set to hop on Stier!

With the above tutorial, you should be ready to start using Stier Terminal. We’re hoping to see you in our Telegram chat soon, and we can’t wait to discuss your experience with Stier!




Hop on Stier Terminal - Your next generation trading terminal. Join us on TG – https://t.me/+BQ1R8irRqDs4YmE6