Biloba is raising 1.2M€ for its on-demand pediatrics app with unlimited subscription

Benjamin Hardy
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2020
  • We are raising 1.2M€ with Calm/Storm Ventures, Inventures, Tiny VC, Id4 Ventures, Algolia, Lifen and Triplebyte founders, former Microsoft execs, early investors of Calm, Roxanne Varza, Olivier Bronner and many other brilliant investors.
  • The Android app is now available.
  • Our subscription pricings are now at 5.99€/month and 34.99€/year for unlimited pediatric consultations, with free trials (3 and 7 days respectively).
  • Our apps are now named Biloba — Instant consultations instead of Biloba — Medical chat, reflecting the real core value we are providing.

We don’t replace in-person consultation. We answer an unserved universal need: ask a GP about your child, right now. No appointment, no matter the place, without thinking about the payment. For advice, a diagnosis, a simple question, a stressful problem; to know if going to see a GP is needed or not, just to be sure it’s nothing, to be reassured.

We are the first ever company to provide health consultations as part of an unlimited recurring subscription. France is only the first step and it was very important to have foreign investors with us as soon as possible. This is going to be an exciting journey.

We are not a healthcare company. We are a consumer subscription business operating in the biggest sector of the next decade, healthcare.

Here’s a quote from Chris Hitchen, managing partner at Inventures:

We strongly believe in Biloba’s approach to healthcare: putting the human at its center and providing an easy to use product for ‘just in time’ access to medical help.

Reinventing healthcare is not as simple as overlaying technology on an established system; the underlying inefficiencies around appointment scheduling, billing, reimbursements and data silos also need to be addressed such that sound medical advice is as easily accessible as watching on-demand movies.

Chat and messenger services are ubiquitous for most of us, so it intuitively makes sense for people requiring medical support to make use of such familiar technologies. Similarly, many of us are used to paying monthly for services we use frequently such as music, movies and cloud storage. So why not on-demand medical advice?

Benjamin, Baptiste and the Biloba team are world-class product thinkers and their vision of a consumerised healthcare market is as strong as our confidence in their ability to set new standards for the whole industry.

In fact, consumers love Biloba’s first product: their easy-to-use asynchronous medical chat went live during Covid and has since gained great popularity by being easy to use and reliable.

We are excited to be part of this journey that is starting in France and will soon expand to the rest of the world.

👉🇬🇧 French version of this article here.

