Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsSimplicity is as Elegant as it is BrilliantWriters take note. Da Vinci said it 500 years ago.May 13, 20248May 13, 20248
Published inCurated NewslettersThe Problem with ComparisonsIt doesn’t let us concentrate on our own work.May 7, 20242May 7, 20242
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsThe True Story Behind an Unforgettable Piece of MusicAnd how it came to be such a fantastic composition and performance.May 5, 20242May 5, 20242
Published inHealth and ScienceScientists Find Orangutan Created its Own MedsThey documented this process in a breakthrough discovery.May 3, 20243May 3, 20243
Published inILLUMINATIONPicking favourites: Medium or Substack?Two platforms, two forms, two styles.May 3, 20241May 3, 20241
Published inHealth and ScienceConspiracy Theories Manual — Part 1A serialized compendium of the most fascinating conspiracies that keep us awake at night. A quest for the truth.Apr 29, 20242Apr 29, 20242
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsThe Bloody Blood in Our VeinsA half parody and half science on what we really are. Apr 23, 20243Apr 23, 20243
Published inBouncin’ and Behavin’ BlogsIdiots in ChargeAnd you are in the middle, getting hurt in your wallet. For starters.Apr 14, 20243Apr 14, 20243