Colonialism in places unwanted

Alison Stinnette
3 min readFeb 20, 2017


The first place would be Africa, in different parts of Africa were settled by different main countries such as Portuguese, French and British. In this article (insert mla) it speaks in depth about how the colonies in Africa were colonized and were questioning why they came there to colonize. A question presented itself to me within this reading and made me question how these places were being represented. In the text, it spoke about how they were not being presented equally because the outside world was only seeing the people’s lives through the rose-colored lenses of the people colonizing them. (digital image^)In the respect of the French and British, they were obviously trying to see who could obtain the most land and power but at the indigenous people of the land cost. The land was divided into sections for each country to be the head state for different colonies within Africa.
“Colonialism used the denial of African history to establish the necessity of white men to bring innovation and technologies in the colonies (Tangie, 2006). However, colonization obstructed the internal process of state formation and the development in Africa and left scars of corruption and political instability (ibid.). In this matter, the opinions are biased between researchers, some of them consider that Europeans had a positive impact on Africa; others affirm that Africa can be developed only by Africans and not by outsiders and foreign aid may actually block the development. As a consequence of colonialism, Africa is a mixture of people, languages, religions and customs and so on.”( HRITULEAC, Alexandra, p. abstract)
Since Africa had been colonized their cultures and traditions have been impacted because of the implementations that had been made by the colonizers. With their culture being at stake, they were being introduced to new religions, economic factors, social issues and politics. Within the text, it speaks about how the African Country would have been able to be prosperous if were not for the colonization of the country. I believe that the main countries such as Britain, Franc, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Italy were seeking power, where the people were not in search for it. The continent of Africa has been given a raw deal in many of its areas. Such as South Africa, and the white people concentrating native people into places that aren’t prosperous or almost inhabitable and they live well off in a country that they to begin with, aren’t actually from. I believe this is the main factor that bothers me because the white people haven’t just suppressed native people here in the United State or in Europe, it’s all over the world because of this “white imperialism” that is continuing to be apparent in many societies. I think it was great that people could find new lands, but that is not their land to claim as their own. There are people that are there that they were just fine before the African slave trade that severely hurt the African country and is one of the main factors it was unable to be developed by its own people.

The second country would be Cuba. The country was colonized by Spain first, when the country was afloat and living their everyday lives. They sought out the production of tobacco on the lands of Cuba. They introduced slaves into their communities. After the Spanish-American War and the end of the Treaty of Paris the country as well as Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines became a part of the United States. Cuba declared independence and aligned themselves eventually with the Soviet Union and then the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962). The United States had implemented Cuba on an embargo that limited what they would send to Cuba. The country of Cuba could have been more prosperous now because it has been in the past. I believe in the presence of the Spanish, and the introduction of slaves into the country was unnecessary. The Cuban people have their distinct cultures, but they were obviously imposed upon traditions that were not of their own, but of the Spaniards.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. < 95CE049D72F06F7E12430E0BEEFFBDFFBB&q=africa+colonies&simid=607990791 90700653&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0>.

HRITULEAC, Alexandra. “The Effects of Colonialism on African Economic Development.” A Comparative Analysis between Ethiopia, Senegal and Uganda (2011): n. pag. AARHUS UNIVERSITY, BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, Dec. 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. < student/files/41656700/Alexandra_Hrituleac_thesis_1_DEC.pdf>.

