Krealogi: A UX Case Study

Satrio Tjiptoadhi
6 min readNov 28, 2021



This project is part of the UI/UX training program implemented by Skilvul, for Kampus Merdeka program held by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia. Krealogi is the Challenge Partner. I am not working for nor contracted professionally by Krealogi.


Krealogi by Du Anyam i provides a solution for business owners through a community to expand their networking with other SMEs, skills development, and a user-friendly application that helps with operational activities records and strategic planning. In order to live up to their mission, Krealogi wanted to introduce several new features that will greatly assist their users in managing their businesses.


Our objective is to create a user-friendly Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features, that includes Contact, Contact Selection, Name Card Generator, and Analysis.


The entire project is a collaboration between Me and two others talented individuals, Sylvie Wijaya and Muhammad Ilammm. We share our duties across various task such as from deciding which design process to use, creating design system, user flow, UI prototype, and conducting usability testing.

Design Process

In this project we decided to use a more common design process, the design thinking approach. Due to its nature that accommodates people, technology, and business together. With design thinking there are 5 phases that we need to go through namely: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototyping, and Define.


In this phase we analyze the data that have been provided by the Krealogi team regarding the difficulties and needs of the users. Then we continue by thoroughly checking the app to make sure that we understand what the users are facing while navigating the app. To understand more what the users are facing, Krealogi provided us with 4 user personas that use the app.


We continue on to the next step, the define phase. Through the empathize phase and with the availability of user personas, it helps us to define the problems that the users are having. First we need to list the problems of the users called the pain points and we have manage to compile several pain points.

Pain Point

After we have compiled the pain points, we continue on by proposing on how we want to make the app better. This step is known as How-MightWe and after discussing with the others, we decided to create a user friendly CRM feature after going through a voting mechanism.

How-Might We


In the ideate phase, we need to come up with a concrete solution to the problem that we have previously defined and align it with the result of How-Might We which is to create a user friendly CRM feature. Thus, we have proposed quite a lot of solutions.

Solution Idea

Then we continue by categorizing all of the proposed solutions into several groups.

Affinity Diagram

Next we need to arrange the priority of our proposed solutions into 4 categories: do now, do next, do last, and later. Based on the user value and effort needed for the solutions to come into realization.

Prioritization Idea

The last step in the ideate phase is we need to do what is known as Crazy 8s. Within the 8 minute period we have to make an 8 design for the feature we propose.


In the prototyping phase, the first thing that we do is to create a user flow on how the feature we propose is going to work and here is how it looks like for the 4 new main features we are proposing.


With this feature, now users can store the data of their customer easily.

Contact Selection

While making a new order, now users can simply create a contact or select existing contact.

Name Card Generator

This feature will be assisting user in creating and storing their name card, that can be easily share throughout social media.


Now users can see how their business has progresses from time to time by clicking this feature.

Then we continue by creating a wireframe based on the crazy 8 that we have done in the previous phase.

After finishing the wireframe, now we turn it into UI Design which is more detailed compared to wireframe. The first thing we do in making a UI Design is by creating the UI Kit first.

UI Kit

UI Design

The final step of this phase is to connect the dots, then it’s ready to be tested.


Our group has managed to find suitable person to be interviewed based on the criteria that we agree on. From the interview that we have conducted we received several feedback and revealed some mistakes that we made in the UI Design. But fortunately, the interviewee still thinks that we have done a great job in delivering these features and we got 7 out of 7 as our score.


Based on the feedback that we received, we quickly made some iteration and correction to the UI Design and here are one of the changes that we have made:




In conclusion, I would say that the design that we have made is living up to our own expectations with only minor changes needed to be made. Krealogi app was made to help the SMEs with their everyday problems, so I’m really grateful for these opportunities that have given me a chance to indirectly help these businesses and we got to share even more of their problems in the recommendation part of this article, that hopefully will be solved by Krealogi in the near future.


For recommendation, I would suggest Krealogi to make the UI Design more proportional. From the interviewee feedback, she wanted a notification feature for the delivery deadline.

