Ad Sana Corporation
2 min readAug 14, 2019

What would be the ROI on AdSana’s STO?

Recently I was asked what the ROI would be if someone invested in our SANA Security Token Offer. Here is my response….

That is difficult to say, it depends on certain things such as:

How much we raise? And how much we raise dictates how many and how quickly we can open clinics.

Here is a link to a spreadsheet of what we can earn over five years and how many clinics we could open. It is based on a minimum of raising $10 Million used to open the clinics and cover the operating expense until revenue starts creating a profit. You can draw your own conclusions on what the ROI will be.

Also remember your return on investment is based on several things

1. How long you hold onto the SANA tokens and hopefully the value of the SANA token goes up before you sell.

2. How much in dividends you receive. Dividends from profits and dividends for the 10% shares of every $1.00 of prepaid treatment credits (our utility tokens once the fundraising is over).

NOTE: Something to remember about the pre paid treatment credits is that you much consider it as insurance. Any pre paid treatment credits one buys gives them insurance or assurance that they have money toward the treatment. Beside the 20% discount in treatment one gets when buying the pre paid treatment credits, it is also a great way for them to “pay over time” for the treatment.

Dogs owners know the statistics for dogs and cancer. They know there is a 25% chance their dog will get cancers and some breeds like Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Boxer, 75% of these breed will get cancer.

So the dog owner can prepare for it by buying, bit by bit, month by month, pre pad treatment credits knowing that they will have the insurance or assurance that they can afford the treatment if or when their dog get cancer. Plus they get a 20% discount in the treatment.

I know the dog world in the US. We know that is a large group of dog owners there they consider they consider their dog more than just a pet. It is part of their family and when we give them an opportunity to buy a little at a time pre paid treatment credit, a large number of dog owners will take advantage of this. And 10% of all the pre paid treatment credit is paid out to all the SANA token holders at the time these dividends are paid out.

Now if they buy these pre paid treatment credits and then never have to use it. They can give them away to someone or sell them to someone for the price that paid for them. We will offer this option on our app.

Gary Nice
Founder and CEO

Ad Sana Corporation

AdSana has an innovative patented and effective cancer infusion therapy that kills cancer cells and stops cancer from spreading.