Why you should start investing as young as possible!!!!

Abhishek N
3 min readSep 25, 2017


There are a lot of people saying the same thing. But it astounds me how people never pay heed to it. So I thought why not write another article relaying the same message.


I have been meeting a lot of young people from various countries of late. After a while of normal chit chat you invariably end up asking about each other’s ambitions/goals in life and this invariably ends in people telling me that they wish to eventually be millionaires. The number of people with this goal is almost every 4 in 5 people to give you a decent estimation. Then, I ask the next question “How do you plan on becoming one?” The answers that follow are the ones that disappoint me the most. Among the 4 in 5 people who want to be millionaires 2 have no clear cut plans on how to make soo much money. No idea whatsoever. Among the remaining 2 there is one who has a decent plan to start investing in stocks/businesses etc once he finishes grad school and starts earning a bit of money. This is the plan which majority of people have. But there are a few flaws behind this plan.

  1. For the first year you most likely will not invest in anything. Once you start getting a decent salary in the first year you do more spending than saving and investing. This might continue on for a couple of years also. As this is the first time you have quite a bit of money and believe me it will take a while to figure things out. Money management is a big thing.
  2. Waiting to finish grad school or any form of education after high school is another year or a few years wasted. The world unfortunately will not wait for you to finish college. Things will change and the best laid out plans go to waste.
  3. You might end up being a millionaire, but by that time you will have white all over your hair and not much energy to spare. Not exactly a young millionaire like you imagined.

And moving on finally there is the 4th guy. He is the only guy who has a chance of becoming a millionaire. The reason being what you ask? Simple. He is done with planning and already started investing. Regardless of getting a salary or not investing as soon as possible and as young as possible is vital. Time wasted can never be made up. The sooner the better when it comes to investing.


  1. Start immediately/now. Even if you just have 100$ to start with. Invest 100$ monthly on the same stock and accumulate it. And get more of it when you happen to have a windfall of say 1000$.
  2. No age is too young to invest. Ideally start by 18 or the latest by 21. By 25, you will reap very good fruit for your investments.
  3. Investment should be a habit. Once you start you should never stop. Always keep yourself updated on opportunities.


Even by doing all of this there is no guarantee that you will become a millionaire. It is no easy task. But, you can be rest assured that you are on the right path.

All the content in this articles includes my own experiences and experiences of various individual investors.

Best wishes for all the people aspiring to be millionaires. You can reach out to me any time at abhishek@hasgrid.com if you have any questions or suggestions.



Abhishek N

Founder at Hasgrid.com, Independent Stockbroker, Business School Student in France.