Christopher Hodson
Christopher Hodson

This blog serves as a cathartic exercise for me; an opportunity to provide my two penn’orths on the threats, vulnerabilities and breaches we are seeing today.

Cybersecurity is no longer just about deploying the right malware scanner or correctly configuring a firewall. Keeping any organisation safe is about setting standards for how people use data, networks and applications; who can access them, how they’re architected and a long list of other controls.

I don’t know everything, far from it. I vividly remember the theme tune to 80s cartoon Henry’s Cat in which it’s professed that the aforementioned yellow feline ‘knows everything about nothing and not too much about that’. It’s hard not to sympathise – cybersecurity is now such a broad discipline that it’s impossible to go deep and wide and remain credible as a ‘subject matter expert’ – I will, however, do my best to give a view on the areas I know about – I will also bring across commentary from others in the profession where I feel it adds value.

Medium member since February 2018
Connect with Christopher Hodson
Christopher Hodson

Christopher Hodson

Book Author

Chief Security Officer and author of Amazon best-seller Cyber Risk Management | Investor | |Talks about fitness.