Unshakable Oak

Hey there fellow friends! Today, I want to delve into some powerful Stoic wisdom that has helped me cultivate more resilience in the face of life’s inevitable difficulties.

If you’re new to Stoicism, it’s an ancient Greek philosophy that emphasizes resilience, self-control, and finding peace of mind through cultivating wisdom and virtue. The Stoics believed that we cannot control external circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them. This inner fortitude and perspective are so valuable for navigating the turbulence of the modern world.

I’ve found immense solace and strength in Stoic teachings over the years as I’ve worked through personal challenges, stresses, and setbacks. Their timeless insights provide such a powerful anchor and reminder to stay steadfast and unshaken by forces outside our control.

So, let’s dive into 10 of my favourite Stoic quotes that inspire resilience:

1. “The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” — Marcus Aurelius

This quote reminds me that while constant change is inevitable, I have the power to shape my inner experience through my mindset and perspective. My thoughts create my reality.

2. “The wind arises, the wind subsides; the mind arises, the mind subsides.” — Arrian

