Eye of Calm

Let’s be real: modern life can feel like a chaotic whirlwind at times. Between the relentless streaming of social media, 24/7 news cycles, and the endless pinging of email and text notifications, it’s easy to get swept up in a frenzied state of constant distraction and anxiety.

Add to that the pressures and stressors of work, relationships, health issues, and more, and you’ve got a recipe for feeling utterly overwhelmed and detached from any sense of inner peace or control over your life.

As someone who has grappled with those choppy modern waters myself, I’ve found the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism to be a powerful life raft and guide to navigate the turbulence with more equanimity, intention, and thriving.

At its core, Stoicism teaches that while we can’t control the external events and circumstances that life throws our way, we can master our internal responses and perspectives. It’s a fundamentally empowering philosophy that reminds us that we are not helpless pawns in the chaos of the world but have the agency to view our reality through the lens of our conscious choice.

I’m certainly no Stoic sage or expert, but I’ve found immense value in some of the key Stoic practices and principles as stabilising forces and tools to find more presence, purpose, and resilience amidst the howling…

