Battle for Blockchain: Dev Notes #2

3 min readSep 4, 2023


The sun never sets on Droetopia. While the kingdoms of Forktown and Spooncity are at eternal war, it’s your chance, dear nobleman, to join their ranks and amass vast riches, battle loot, and gold. Will you join the fight?

MUD Smart Contracts

  1. Contracts Rearrangement: Codebase has been rebuilt, allowing for handling much more game’s features.
  2. Added RNG: In our quest to balance the features of MMO strategies and auto battler genres, to create a completely new one: MMO Auto Battler, we have implemented RNG based on the future blockhash, with the commit-reveal scheme. On top of that, we have implemented the first feature: randomized critical attack for units.
  3. Battle Phases Added: War in Battle for Blockchain is split into battles, and each of the skirmishes has 3 phases: Deploying the units, auto battling, post battle loot distribution. Additionally, we are now able to automatically start battles, process units action in batches, and finish them.
  4. Processing Costs Reduction: Combat parameters and their logic were simplified, leading to the cost savings for the players.
  5. Units’ Features Added:
  • Knight: blocker ability, reflecting dmg dealt from the opposing units
  • Archer: long shot ability added, dealing damage to the consecutive units in the same line
  • Squire: cross-line slashing ability
  • Bomb: the longer the bomb stays on the battlefield, it powers up, dealing more damage to the enemy’s gate, if successfully transferred there.

Godot Client

  1. Gates Health Now Displayed & Synchronized: To win the battle in Battle for Blockchain, each kingdom needs to destroy the enemy’s gate. Gates are now displayed on the frontend, and are properly synchronized with MUD smart contracts, offering players real-time insights into the battlefield status. For the glory.
  2. Smooth Transaction Visualizations: The introduction of a frontend task queue ensures smooth visualization of multiple transaction inflows, portraying actions on the battlefield as they occur in the game processes.
  3. Intuitive Unit Management: Units now disappear correctly from the battlefield upon death, and new deployments can be managed directly through the Godot application, enhancing user interaction and engagement. This feature is possible thanks to the Godot x MUD connection we’ve created with our custom-built tools.
  4. Visual and Debugging Enhancements: We’ve introduced a range of visual improvements including dynamic arrow effects for archer’s ranged attack and explosion animations with appropriate shaders. Additionally, developer buttons have been added for more efficient in-game debugging, streamlining the testing process.

R&D Insights

  1. Exploring Godot’s Rich Features: We were further exploring Godot’s multifaceted features, scrutinizing aspects such as shaders, pathfinding, navigation areas, sound implementation, and bone animations. This ongoing research promises to unlock even more potential for our gaming environment, making the gameplay more engaging and visually appealing.

What’s next? This week we are planning on introducing 3 more units, getting us closer to the amount of units that will be present in the first version of the game. New units are set to enhance gaming experience for our players, enriching the strategy pool one can execute.

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