Managed IT Services Can Spur the Growth of Your Business

Jonathan Stokes
3 min readOct 26, 2017


According to a recent report by Markets and Markets, the managed services market could grow from $152.45 billion in 2017 to being worth a whopping $257.84 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.1% through these five years. With businesses becoming increasingly dependent on information technology, and with more and more companies outsourcing the management of their IT infrastructure, such growth is only to be expected. A key driving force for the burgeoning managed services market is also the increasing adoption of cloud services by small and medium-sized enterprises.

In fact, being able to outsource the management of IT infrastructure can be a boon for an SME, given the cost of maintaining an in-house IT team. This cost is not just in terms of money but also focus, which should be channeled into business growth instead. So, whether you need data securely stored, backups created, software updated or dealing with day-to-day IT related issues, having a team of qualified and skilled professionals take the burden off your hands can be quite an advantage.

Here’s what hiring managed IT services did for my business.

How Managed IT Services Helps Business Growth

“With IT driving operations at every level of business, it is essential that technology is managed properly to ensure reliability, security and continuity for all levels of the organization,” says managed services provider, Ancero. The experts at Ancero go on to state that aligning the IT infrastructure to a business’ goals can give you just the competitive edge you need in today’s marketplace.

Here’s how:

  • Dedicated Team of Experts: Qualified and skilled IT professionals are expensive, especially if you are looking to hire in-house talent. For a small business, to lay hands on an entire team of dedicated experts might seem like a dream come true. Managed services providers give you just the talent and skill you need to keep your systems up and running at an affordable cost. This frees up your resources, both manpower and finances, which can then be used for business growth.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Rather than taking a reactive approach, handling problems as they arise, taking a proactive approach to predict and prevent potential problems can offer maximize uptime for your business processes. And you don’t have to worry about keeping your software and security systems updated either. The service provider takes on complete responsibility to ensure that your IT systems are not just complaint with prevalent regulations but also with the latest available update.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, you will need your infrastructure to keep in step. With a team of experts taking care of your IT infrastructure, you know that you will get the right advice about which systems need to be scaled up to keep up with the growth of your business, and which systems can do with just an upgrade.

Of course, there are many other advantages, such as 24x7 accessibility of support services, faster resolution of issues and peace of mind. In fact, according to a March 2015 report on Trends in IT Security by CompTIA, more than 70% of SMEs were already using third-party IT services “at least occasionally every year.” Given the advancements in technology since then, it only makes sense for businesses today to look for expert support from experienced and skilled professionals.

