Choosing the Best Options for a Couple Headstone

Stone Discover
4 min readOct 27, 2023


The loss of a loved one is a profound and emotional experience, and finding the right way to remember and honor them is essential for the healing process. When a couple faces this loss together, their bond remains eternally strong, and many choose to commemorate their love with a couple headstone.

Selecting the perfect couple headstone involves thoughtful consideration of various elements, including design, materials, and personalization. In this article, we will explore how to choose the best options for a couple headstone that pays a beautiful and lasting tribute to the love shared between two people.

Couple headstones

Design Considerations

The design of a couple headstone should reflect the unique bond between the individuals and their shared history. Consider the following design elements:

Double Heart Headstone: The double heart design headstones symbolizes the love that exists between two people. It can be a heartwarming representation of the couple’s deep connection.

Interlocking Rings: Much like wedding rings symbolize a commitment, interlocking rings on a headstone can signify the unity and bond between a couple.

Shared Inscriptions: The headstone should feature inscriptions that tell the story of the couple’s life and love. This may include their names, birth and passing dates, a shared quote, or a personal message.

Portrait or Photo: Including a portrait or photograph of the couple can create a visual representation of their love and shared moments.

Personal Symbols: Incorporating personal symbols, such as hobbies, favorite flowers, or meaningful icons, can provide an additional layer of personalization.

Material Choices

Headstones are available in a variety of materials, each with its own characteristics and aesthetics. The material you choose should align with the design and style you desire for the couple headstone. Some common material options include:

Granite: Granite is a popular choice due to its durability, variety of colors, and natural beauty. It can be intricately carved and etched to create personalized designs.

Marble: Marble is known for its elegant and timeless appearance. It can be a beautiful choice for a couple headstone but may require more maintenance over time.

Bronze: Bronze headstones offer a classic and dignified look. They are often used in combination with a granite or marble base.

Slate: Slate is a unique and distinctive choice, offering a dark, smooth surface that can be engraved with precision.

Sandstone: Sandstone offers a soft and textured appearance, making it a more delicate option that may require careful maintenance.

Limestone: Limestone can provide a soft and natural look, but it is more susceptible to weathering and may need periodic cleaning and restoration.


Personalization is a significant aspect of creating a meaningful and unique couple headstone. Consider the following options for personalization:

Shared Quotes: Select a quote, poem, or saying that resonates with the couple’s love and life together.

Family Crests or Symbols: Incorporate family crests, emblems, or symbols that hold special meaning to the couple.

Custom Artwork: Commission an artist to create custom artwork or engravings that represent the couple’s shared interests or moments.

Handwritten Inscriptions: Include handwritten inscriptions or signatures from the couple to create an intimate connection with the headstone.

Incorporate Colors: Choose colors that hold significance to the couple or reflect their personalities. Granite, marble, and other stones come in a variety of hues.

Cemetery Regulations

Before finalizing your choice for a couple headstone, be sure to review the regulations and guidelines of the cemetery where your loved ones will be laid to rest. Each cemetery may have specific rules regarding headstone dimensions, materials, and design elements that must be adhered to.

Budget Considerations

The budget for a couple headstone can vary significantly based on factors such as material choice, design complexity, and personalization. It’s essential to establish a budget that aligns with your financial capacity and the level of personalization you desire. Discuss your budget with a reputable monument company to explore options that fit within your financial means.

Monument Company Selection

Choosing a reputable monument company is crucial to ensure the quality and craftsmanship of the couple headstone. Research and consult with several monument companies to evaluate their experience, portfolio, and customer reviews. A professional company can guide you through the design and selection process, helping you make the best choices for your couple headstone.


A couple headstone is a lasting tribute to the love and bond shared between two people. By carefully considering the design, material, personalization, and budget, you can choose the best options for a couple headstone that pays a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your loved ones.

Whether you opt for a double heart design, shared inscriptions, or custom artwork, the couple headstone will serve as a meaningful and enduring symbol of the love that continues to thrive even in the face of loss.



Stone Discover

Stone Discover a largest exporter and manufacturer & supplier of natural stone and Granite Tombstone Monuments since 1984,