Benefits of growing marijuana indoors and the steps in elaboration

Edwin Hawkin
3 min readJul 17, 2017


Marijuana users all over the world thrive to get the perfect strain which will give them the ‘perfect high’. But the problems of scoring some from your local dealer often pose potential threats like adulterated components. While the society and its dogmas prevent many from indulging in a perfect high, others find it difficult to catch hold of the best varieties. As a matter of fact, hard-core cannabis users prefer growing marijuana indoors.

Experts are of the opinion that growing cannabis on a regular basis involves following some very intricate steps. Just like growing any other plant indoors, cannabis requires maintaining the perfect blend of light, water, among other factors. This article ponders on the advantages of growing weed indoors and some of the basic steps that one should follow.

Advantages of growing cannabis indoors:

Grow the strain of your choice:

Regular cannabis users often face the basic problem of staying contempt with the marijuana strains that local vendors sell them. Attaining the perfect level of weed nirvana comes with being able to smoke the weed of your choice. If you are planning to smoke the assorted marijuana variety, you need to know how to grow weed indoors.

Maintain the perfect balance of THC:

The chemical which gives the perfect amount of high, you die for is THC. The range of THC varies with different strains. As a matter of fact, most of the stuff that you get from vendors lack on THC thus leaving you with no other option that growing it indoors. Appropriate hydroponic conditions are required to control the amount of THC in a particular growth.

Stay put:

Cannabis users consider this to be an important factor to not let others know about your venture. Growing marijuana indoors presents the unique opportunity to grow the best strains without letting anyone know.

What are the steps to ensure a better yield on doors?

Getting the perfect seeds: Obtain the best variety of marijuana seeds from a reliable source. If you are bent on growing your plant from clones, make sure that you get the best varieties.

Choice of the best place and light: Marijuana plant needs the proper amount of sunlight to grow. Too harsh or dim light might not give the perfect results.

Growing medium and use of nutrients: Looking for how to grow weed under the perfect medium? Look for the best nutrient supplement that will better the quality of buds.

Vegetative and flowering stages: Allow the plant to grow normally and check its growth regularly. Additionally growers also put stress on the flowering stages. You may need artificial light to take care of the buds.

Harvesting and curing: Harvesting and curing the buds after they are plucked require special care and precision. Make sure you dry the buds because leaving them for curing. This normally takes more than a week and guarantees the perfect amount of THC and the unique flavour.

Thus growing marijuana requires a lot of experience and practice. Experts recommend proper understanding and careful observation. The flowering and harvesting stages require extra care since that helps retain the perfect colour and flavour for that special high.


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