Welcome to the STONK Market

An autonomous risk game that’s 100% community owned and governed.

STONK Market
5 min readNov 12, 2020

A few weeks ago, the dead devs from Powered by Anons came up with an idea to cope with the boredom running rampant in DeFi. After weeks of down markets drawing on everyone’s spirits, the dead devs crafted a plan to save all the anons from their misery and got to work. Weeks of keyboard mashing, Plastic Love vibing, and vapor-wave masterpiecing have led to this moment.

It is with great pleasure, we introduce to you…

STONK Market — The Game

The Stonk Market is an autonomous risk game that’s 100% community owned and governed. Brought to you by Powered by Anons, the game is provably fair, utilizing verifiable on-chain RNG.

To take part in the Stonk Market, you will first need to get a hold of some STONK tokens. These valueless governance tokens, which hold no worth outside of the Powered by Anon eco-system, can be used to negotiate deals on the Stonk Market. To begin negotiating in the market, you will need to first launch a Stonk Public Offering (SPO).

Stonk Public Offerings (SPOs) allow players to stake their STONK tokens in the market to wager against other players’ SPOs.

To launch an SPO, you will need to first determine your SPO Name (1–4 letter ticker symbol) and the amount of STONK you want to stake on the market.

Be careful, any STONK staked in the Stonk Market is at risk to be acquired by another SPO in a negotiation.

Once you’ve launched your SPO, it is live on the Stonk Market and any other SPO can negotiate a deal with your SPO. To negotiate a deal, select another SPO and you will be shown their negotiation status. If the player is not already in a negotiation, you will be shown a Negotiate button.

Keep in mind, each SPO can only have one active negotiation at a time. Negotiations can take a few Ethereum blocks to settle, due to the Oracle-based RNG.

Enter the amount you’d like to wager against the other player, and press the black Negotiate button to confirm the transaction.

To ensure that players have a fair chance in the Stonk Market, you can only wager up to 50% of another SPOs balance. This “max takeover percentage” ensures that players can continue to play autonomously, even after losing a big negotiation.

All negotiations are fairly settled using verifiable on-chain RNG.

Once a negotiation has been settled, you will be able to view the results in your Negotiations list.

Remember, there is a 1% tax taken on each negotiation in the Stonk Market, which is rewarded to STONK Liquidity Providers for supporting the market’s longetivity.

There is also a 2% negotiation advantage given to the player that initiates the negotiation. This is to compensate for the gas paid for the negotiation, as well as to incentivize more negotiations to occur.

At any moment, you can see your earnings history, as well as the total amount of negotiations you have won and lost.

So what are you waiting for Anon? Go claim your STONK, get comfy in the LP Tax Pool, and take your piece of the greatest autonomous risk game the world has ever seen:



STONK is a fairly launched, community owned and governed project.

50% of the total supply will be airdropped to ROPE holders (the original Powered by Anons project) over the next 3 weeks, according to their ownership of the total ROPE supply.

40% will be distributed to STONK/ETH Uniswap Liquidity Providers (LPs) at an even rate over the next 2 months, according to their ownership of the LP pool.

The remaining 10% of tokens will be kept for the multi-sig treasury to be used for development, design, and any future expenses necessary for upcoming STONK projects. 5% will be locked in a vesting contract over the next 6 months, to incentivize further development of the project (including multiple other STONK-based risk games we’ve already got planned).

STONK Distribution:

- 5% to treasury

- 5% to treasury, vesting over 6 months before unlock

- 40% distributed over 2 months via liquidity mining to STONK LPs

- 25% airdropped to ROPE holders at launch, pro-rata

- 12.5% airdropped to ROPE holders in 1 week, pro-rata

- 6.25% airdropped to ROPE holders in 2 weeks, pro-rata

- 6.25% airdropped to ROPE holders in 3 weeks, pro-rata

Stonk Market Regulations:

- 1% withdrawal fee, distributed pro-rata to staked SPOs

- 1% negotiation fee, distributed pro-rata to staked STONK/ETH LPs

- 2% negotiation advantage, to negotiation initiators

- 50% max takeover negotiation percentage

To take part in the future of STONK and the Stonk Market, grab your STONK governance tokens and start mining liquidity!

