How it Works: FAQ for Investors
4 min readNov 4, 2017


How is the project going to make money?

The system acts as an intermediary between requestors who want to locate infringements of their intellectual property rights, and doers, who provide them with the necessary information. The project will make profit mainly through charging commission fees for services.

We will sell our services directly to requestors for fiat money. In this case, the project team assumes full responsibility for generating requests, attracting doers and processing the information obtained. The requestor is provided with ready reports on infringements.

The information collected will be processed and analyzed, resulting in Big Data generation. The results obtained will be of high value, including marketing research. Information will be sold to interested companies without any personalized binding.

How big is the counterfeit market?

By the most conservative estimates, the counterfeit market is at least $461 billion a year. This is the money lost by holders of intellectual property rights. This amount is only comparable to that of the global advertising market, which makes us believe that right holders will be ready to pay those who will help them protect their rights.

It is impossible to estimate the extent of pirated content on the Internet. Rights holders lose billions of dollars, and pirates get the lion’s share of this money. In the Information Age, intellectual property rights become one of the key elements of economic success.

What do you offer investors?

We propose that they buy STF tokens and internal cryptocurrencies, which requestors will use to pay for the doers’ services and to get access to Big Data. To obtain all the necessary information, the requestor will have to buy a certain amount of tokens.

During pre-ICOs and ICOs tokens will sold at considerable discounts. In the future, they will be added, just like any other cryptocurrency, to the stock exchange listing where they will be convertible to other cryptocurrencies or to fiat money.

Any investor will also be able to mediate between large companies, which are rights holders, and our project. If he accepts the request, he will be remunerated with fiat money. He will be able to pay for our services with STF tokens and earn money on arbitration.

What makes you believe in the project’s success?

Rights holders sustain losses amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. Law enforcement authorities have proven to be ineffective in fighting piracy and counterfeiting. In fact, they have burdened rights holders with the responsibility to protect their intellectual property rights. We offer an efficient tool to detect people and web resources involved into counterfeits and pirated content distribution. This will enable rights holders to strike back, resulting in a considerable growth in profits.

We also offer a rare opportunity to conduct global marketing research practically in real time. With our service, online and offline activities are almost interchangeable. We give right holders an opportunity to involve any number of freelancers from all over the world into searching for and collecting information.

What’s so special about your cryptocurrency?

Any cryptocurrency is a unique means of payment precluding the possibility of counterfeits and fraud while minimizing transaction and time expenses. The success of this or that token is directly dependent on the number of counterparts who are willing to accept it as a means of payment. From the very first day of the project, requestors will be able to use our STF token to pay for the doers’ services.

Nothing will limit the circulation of STF tokens. They will be sold and bought at stock exchanges for both other cryptocurrencies and fiat money.

From the very first day of the project, our corporate clients will be able to pay for our services in fiat money. They will also be able to use tokens to pay for the same services, generating demand for STF tokens among big business.

How will funds collected during pre-ICOs and ICOs be used?

54% of the collected funds will be allocated for the development of the project’s software and infrastructure. There are plans to open offices in main jurisdictions to sell our services to local big companies. The first office is to be opened in Prague (Czech Republic).

18% will be invested in the organization of the project’s global marketing company and PR. We plan to involve, from the very start, a huge number of both requestors and doers. The whole world will learn about our project and the unprecedented opportunities it opens up.

10% will be used to cover operating costs, wage expenses for programmers, testers, managers and marketing experts, tax liabilities and other payments as well as life support for the team that develops and launches the project.

No less than 8% will be allocated for research and scholarly activities. We plan to involve leading academic communities in creating a new market.

6% will go to legal support. We intend to help our clients to assert their rights in court with a view to create the necessary legal precedents.

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