How It Works: FAQ for Requestors
5 min readNov 9, 2017


Who is intended for?

Any person or company can use our services. Our main target audience are holders of intellectual property rights who own the following:

• Brand names

• Trade marks

• Copyright and related rights

• Rights to videos, photos and pictures

• Patents

• Unique technologies

• Corporate identity

• Original design

Individuals and legal entities also may use for other purposes unless prohibited by the law.

What is the use of your service?

With, you can collect photos or videos in any part of the world or on the Internet. Anyone can collect data under full anonymity. The system guarantees that the information gathered with Blockchain technology may not be altered or deleted. The requestor is free to determine the manner in which the data received will be used: he can submit it to the law enforcement agencies, use it as evidence in court proceedings or as materials for marketing and other research studies.

What is the advantage of over detective or marketing agencies?

The service is decentralized and operates all over the world. It will take you only a few minute to submit the request, and users on the other side of the Earth will immediately start looking for the required information. Since our service aims at cooperation with ordinary consumers and Internet users, the cost of services to detect infringements or obtain other information is much lower than elsewhere. is based on respect for the principles of anonymity: the requestor knows nothing about doers.

The information collected is stored forever, but access to it is limited.

Can someone use your service without being a rights holder?

Yes, they can, as long as they are not violating someone else’s rights. Both authorized persons and third parties are allowed to search for infringements.

Can your service be used for other purposes?

You can use for marketing research, market analysis and other purposes. The only condition is that you respect the laws protecting intellectual property rights and other legal acts regulating access to information.

The service is ideal for controlling and monitoring franchise networks and affiliations. As of now, companies pay over $100 for one ‘mystery shopper’ visit (usually a specialized firm employee). Our service will help companies reduce their expenses by half and more.

By getting a giant army of doers involved in the process, the owner of a franchise or the headquarters of a network company can monitor the performance of all branches in real time.

Any business can use the service to check the staff’s performance, their compliance with merchandising rules, etc.

How do I start working with your service?

Go to the website of and log in to your account. Submit your request for a search for information or contact the administration for help. Our customer service will help you to properly determine the task and to calculate the estimated budget. It will also indicate the minimum remuneration required to attract as many doers as possible.

How do I pay for your services and the doers’ work?

There are two payment options:

• You can ask the administration to provide you with the bill and pay it in a fiat currency. In this case, the transaction is no different from any purchase made on the Internet.

• You can buy STFcoin right on the website or on a third-party cryptocurrency stock exchange

Is it legal to use your service?

Legislation does not prohibit the detection and gathering of information about infringements, even if the requestor is not a right holder, but a third party.

What kind of information does your service provide? specializes in collecting two kinds of data:

• Online data

• Offline data

Online data refers to the information about materials published on websites that are freely available on the Internet. The alert contains the screenshot of a website, its URL address, its IP address, the exact time and date when the infringement was detected, information on the browser and system used to collect the data. The alert shall not contain any information that could reveal the identity of the doer who has provided the information.

Offline data refers to photos or videos that contain information on an infringement or other information provided in accordance with the law. The alert also contains information on the address of the location where photos or videos were made, the exact time and date, the doer’s comments and technical specifications of the device used to collect the data. The alert shall not contain any information that could reveal the identity of the doer who has provided the information.

How much do your services cost?

All payments are done in STF tokens. The token’s rate of exchange can fluctuate at cryptocurrency stock exchanges, resulting in price fluctuations. During the launch of our service, we set the rate of exchange at 1STF = $0.58.

• Minimum cost of one alert received from a doer: 15 STF

• Maximum cost of one alert received from a doer: 100 STF

Average prices for the following kinds of information:

• A screenshot: $10

• A photo alert: $29

• A video alert: $49

What determines the cost of services?

The following influences the cost of services:

• Difficulty in obtaining information

• The way in which information was recorded

• Geographical location

• Other requirements imposed by the requestor

Will the information obtained be relevant?

The administration of reviews all the alerts sent by doers before they get to the requestor. The requestor can refuse to remunerate the doer if the latter provided insufficient or wrong information in his alert. Such an alert will be deleted, duly indicating the reasons for rejection.

We’ve put a system of ratings and bonuses in place for the doers in order to keep the interested in sending accurate and relevant alerts.

Can I receive alerts on an ongoing basis?

Our services are designed to work on an ongoing basis. As an example, should the requestor express a desire to obtain proof of counterfeits being sold in London, he will receive alerts until he has enough money on his account to pay the doers.

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