How will help copyright holders to counteract violations
5 min readDec 9, 2017


The service offers not only effective IPR infringement detection system but equips the users with viable methods of tackling violations. Most of the processes are computerized and don’t require taking even the smallest efforts on our part.

In the vast majority of cases one can make offender change his mind by filing a substantiated complaint, by far this is the easiest and most effective method. If the offenders also operate within the legal framework it’s in their best interest to settle a lawsuit amicably and refrain from criminal activity altogether. Most of the offenders are not street venders but rather regular stores, some of them are even chain stores.

For the most part, the goods they sell quite legally.

What complicates the situation on the market even further is that the number of offenders is quite large, yet the scale of each offence is relatively insignificant. Thus, detecting infringements and filing complaints about each of these cases would amount to some immoderately high figure. So it was too impractical for the right holders to wrestle with this problem.

Our service has come up with a solution. With optimized service tools now it takes very little time to detect an infringement and respond to it. Аnd the process of generating and filing complaints based on the collected data gets computerized.

We turned the situation around. Еconomically speaking, we put the offenders at disadvantage by radically minimizing violation detection costs.

Removing infringements form the Internet

IPR violations on the Internet can be categorized into three main groups:

  1. Pirated content placement
  2. Рosting links to pirated content
  3. Selling counterfeit goods at online stores.

Removing or blocking pirated content

Applying Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) іs the most effective way to combat Internet piracy. Even though this statutory instrument applies to the US only, it allows to counteract violations globally. Because the most part of website traffic comes from the search engines. The most popular of them are under the US jurisdiction. They have already developed a fully functional automatic blocking order submission procedure.

With the help of our service one will be able to use these systems. Submitting a request for pirated content detection is the only thing required from the Requestor. We’ll take care of the rest, including the result monitoring. The right holder will receive a stage-by-stage report specifying the details of the detection, complaint filing and blocking of the site by search engines, domain registrators and hosting providers.

General framework for counteracting Internet offences

  1. Receiving a Request from the right holder
  2. Tracing violations
  3. Recording violation with by means of Blockchain technology ensuring permanent alteration-free data storage
  4. Producing a report on pirated content detection and sending it to the right holder
  5. The right holder chooses one of the ways to react from the given options; he also sets a date when certain measures should be taken
  6. Sending a well-founded complaint to the offender specifying the violation details
  7. Filing a substantiated complaint to the infringing site’s hosting provider. Once the piracy has been detected this option becomes available.
  8. Sending a complaint to search engines, social media and other traffic providers. Enabled in 5 days following the infringement detection
  9. Filing a justified complaint to the domain registrator and/or the company who is responsible for domain name delegation. Accessible in 5 days following filing Complaint to the hosting provider.
  10. The Complaint is sent to the domain registrator with a view to re-delegate
  11. The domain name rights. Accessible in 5 days following the sending of the
  12. Complaint to the hosting provider.
  13. Іn cases that call for rapid response time limits may differ.

It should be noted that the Requestor receives a detailed stage-by-stage report. He can fine-tune the operating procedure or use the collected date in his discretion at any given time.

Violation prevention on the Internet

Some of the information is published on our site by permission of the right holders. Potential offenders will be able to see in real time how fast the pirated content gets detected and blocked. It’s likely that most of them would prefer to refrain from illegal activity so as to avoid getting caught.

Removing or blocking links to pirated content

For the most part, violations occur within P2P-based peer networks and torrents. Such networks are decentralized and the participants with equal rights can freely share pirated content or its pieces. But the majority of these users can find content on so called torrent trackers. Therefore, blocking torrent tracker sites partially or completely is considered enough when tackling the copyright issue on peer-to-peer networks.

Major websites of this sort are willing to cooperate with the right holders and аre quite approachable when it comes to blocking pirating links. But they do so only after filing an official request.

We’ll apply the same framework to torrent trackers as to regular pirating sites.

Combating real-world violations

Even though offline regulations have their limitations they can help bring down violations nonetheless. A market outlet owner cannot change his address and relocate as quickly as e-store owner. That’s why filing a justified complaint is enough in the vast majority of the cases.

We estimate this approach to be 92–93 % efficient in the countries with highly developed law enforcement. However, when applied to the developing countries, this account would sound a little bit too optimistic. But we hope to improve this by working hard on this issue, developing ties with enforcement agencies and bringing in the best legal practices.

Legal support

Our legal support team develops and accumulates the best practices that apply to each jurisdiction. The whole process of compiling complaints about violations and sending them to legal authorities and law-enforcement agencies will be computerized. We’ll empower the right holders with all the necessary tools to get immediate results.

Relations with trade associations

We are actively cooperating with trade associations and other industrial associations. We bring together everybody who is interested in copyright protection building a communication bridge between independent Requestors and big organizations promoting their interests.

Оffence prevention

As will the case with counteracting Internet offences we’ll openly publish information on successful cases of fighting counterfeiting in the real world, provided that the right holders give their consent for it. Potential offenders would see statistical evidence and accounts of specific cases. Those possessing common sense will soon gather that counterfeit sales are not quite profitable after all under the new conditions. Profit potential is not as nearly big as the risk one runs when committing offence.

A unified register of copyright offences

Once the Blockchain technology came around the world has changed for good. You can now store information forever and be sure of its security and inalterability. We have committed to creating a unified open register of copyright offences with each of its entries inscribed in blockchain. Any customer or right holder would be able to run a background check on the business partner before starting cooperation. This will motivate all entrepreneurs to observe the law and refrain from counterfeit and piracy.

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