StopTheFakes App for Android
3 min readJan 24, 2018


App (Android) —

We are proud to inform you on reaching yet another step in our project’s journey and managing to keep to our Road Map schedule. As had been announced, we’ve released an app for mobile devices running Android in January 2018. You can download it here. Also, you can watch a detailed video demonstrating the main features of this software in action under this link.

What is this app for

This app is intended for Doers working in StopTheFakes system. All the modes of working with the system become available to the users upon the installation. A Doer can take and fulfill tasks, perform wallet and other types of operations with the help of the app without having to use web interface.

Minimum system requirements

As of now the app is being tested for compatibility with some rare mobile devices so we can’t guarantee it working properly on all the devices. When developing the app we’ve targeted the following system requirements:

  • Android 2.2 or higher
  • Minimum memory requirements — 512 MB of RAM
  • A camera with resolution of 1 MP or higher
  • A GPS detector

Our goal is to attract as many users as possible including underprivileged citizens of the developing countries. That’s why we’ve made it possible to run the app on old models of smartphones and tablets. The key requirement has to do with a device’s camera, because Requestors want to receive clear high-resolution pictures capturing violations.

The app’s functionalities

Security and anonymity issues were among our top priorities. Users don’t have to provide their personal data, phone number or any other information they could be identified by. To start using the app you need to go through a registration procedure, pick a user name and a password, create an ETH wallet where a remuneration can be transferred to. You can use both web interface or the application to do it.

The only data the system will receive from the mobile devices is their geographic coordinates. This is done with a view to provide Doers with tasks matching their location.

The main app’s functionalities include:

  • Рassword protection
  • Displaying available / completed / taken tasks. The list of tasks is formed according to the Doer’s geolocation, his rating and other factors
  • Viewing a Requestor’s requirements on every task
  • Being able to take on tasks
  • Creating an Alert addressing certain task − taking pictures and videos
  • Initial Alert quality control − checking on video duration and the amount of pictures provided
  • Controlling GPS coordinates and the time photos / videos are taken
  • Deleting bad takes and replacing them with new pictures / videos before submitting an Alert to the system
  • Viewing the information on Alerts that’s been sent (accepted / being processed / sent back for improvement / declined)
  • Editing your profile
  • Viewing rating and other information about your status in the system
  • Receiving messages from the system, support service and replying
  • Managing messages and notifications settings including their frequency
  • Wallets operations, e.g., status check, transferring funds, reviewing the statistics

Future prospects for developing the app

As for now, we’ve released a beta version of the app and lauched the testing process. According to the Road Map, the official release of the app and placing it on Google Play is slated for April 2018. By that time the app would have some additional features and it will be connected to StopTheFakes system.

We’re working simultaneously on developing the app for iOS platform. We’re going to release it in June 2018.

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