Preventing Falling Items From Pallet Racks

John-Paul Hogbin
3 min readOct 28, 2015


Your pallet racking system ought to be made for optimal efficiency. With the proper set-up, the workers can rapidly pull and organise the merchandise that you just warehouse with little risk, minimal maneuvering and few obstacles. Whether you have used or new pallet racking, routine inspections and continuing maintenance are crucial for preserving high numbers of productivity and keeping everyone safe. Probably the most important parts of ensuring safety on the job, however, is a good prevention policy for falling items.

Proper Loading Of Pallets

Falling item prevention have to be a multi-pronged effort. The very first distinctive line of defense is really a well-designed pallet racking system. For those who have opted to purchase used or new pallet racks, you should ensure that all system components are using the demands of the company understanding that this technique is in good shape and great. The best way of doing this is simply by getting your supplier either complete the set-up and installation process in your case or dispatch a professional inspector to make sure that the outcomes are comparable to both industry regulations and also the nature of the operations.

Beyond ensuring that the racking system is good, however, proper pallet loading is essential. Not really a top-tier pallet racking system is sure to remain incident-free when substandard loading techniques are widely-used. Thus, every business should regularly spend money on safety training and specialised training for any new loading and lift equipment before employing a modified racking system or modified loading methods. Proper training will minimise risk, show insurance providers that managers consider a proactive stance on limiting workforce injuries and may potentially reduce insurance costs with time.

Load Bearing Inspections

Items can fall as a result of poor loading strategies plus an inefficient or unsafe racking system setup. These problems can also happen when load bearing limits are certainly not adhered to and proper weight balancing techniques are certainly not used. If racks are over-weighted at the very top and under-weighted in the bottom, the outcome might be catastrophic. When annual pallet racking inspections are performed, an organization-wide review of the stress-bearing capabilities for each tier with the system must be performed. This will allow for that balanced and proper distribution of goods across all amounts of the racking system.

Systems To Arrest Falling Objects

Although there are numerous steps that companies will take to stop items from falling from pallet racking systems, these accidents could possibly be inevitable in certain environments. Collisions with racking systems can result in balancing problems that cause heavy items to fall from great heights. Thus, all businesses that are utilizing pallet racking systems must look into some great benefits of purchasing a specialised system for arresting falling objects. When boxes, pallets or another items are bumped out of position, this system minimizes them from in contact with workers, floors and equipment.

Developing a system to arrest falling objects may be needed for avoiding fatalities and significant property loss. Moreover, companies with towering pallet racking systems will quickly realize that systems for arresting falling objects are required by Australian workplace safety laws due to nature of these storage set-ups. When here is the case, affordable solutions for arresting falling objects can often be found over the very suppliers that offer used pallet racking systems.

Developing a system to arrest falling objects may be needed for avoiding fatalities and significant property loss. Moreover, companies with towering pallet racking systems will quickly realize that systems for arresting falling objects are required by Australian workplace safety laws due to nature of these storage set-ups. When here is the case, affordable solutions for arresting falling objects can often be found over the very suppliers that offer used pallet racking systems.

Image above courtesy of Keerati at

