God Himself lives in these five sacred mountains of the world!

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4 min readJun 3, 2022


Mount Kailash, China

Mount Kailash, located in Chinese-occupied Tibet, is a sacred place for Hindus. Bholebaba lives in his own family with Nandi, beetle, ghost, ghost, cannabis call in this mountain. This is where his constant unrest goes with mother Parvati. All in all, this Kailash mountain is the abode of Devadeva Mahadev. Mount Kailash is a very sacred place of pilgrimage not only for Hindus but also for Buddhists, Jains and forest dwellers. It is part of the Himalayan mountains of Tibet. This Kailash is the source of rivers like Indus, Shatadru, Brahmaputra etc. Manas Sarovar and Rakshasatal in Tibet are located near Mount Kailash. The ice-covered Kailash looks like it is made of crystals. Hence the word kailas is derived from Sanskrit kelas or crystal. Crystal. In Tibetan it is called Gango Rinpoche. In Tibet, the Buddhist guru Padmasambhava is called Rinpoche. Mount Kailash is named after him. Money is a precious gem made of ice. At 22,000 feet, this mountain has been considered a pillar of the earth since ancient times. Which holds the mass of the earth. According to Tibetan legend, Guru Milarepai was only able to set foot on the top of Kailash. When he returned, he forbade everyone to conquer the mountain. According to him, there is something in the climate of Mount Kailash that makes the impression of old age appear on the human face.

Nanda Devi Mountains, India

Nanda Devi is the second largest mountain range in India. Its height is 617 meters. It is a part of the Garowal Himalayas in Uttarakhand. This mountain peak is a very sacred place for Hindus. Devout Hindus believe that God Nanda Devi lives on this peak. From there he showered his grace on the devotees. Happiness, peace, welfare, good fortune etc. exist in human life with the blessings of Goddess. Of course, not only for its sanctity, the sanctuary is another famous place in the Nanda Devi Mountains. The atmosphere here is as strong as holiness. In 1986, Nanda Devi National Park was declared a Heritage Site by UNESCO. Mountaineering is one of the most popular adventures in the Himalayas.

Mount Fuji, Japan

Although Mount Fuji is not the highest mountain in Japan, it is the holiest place of pilgrimage for the Japanese. To the original Buddhist and Shintau people, this snow-capped mountain is a sacred pilgrimage site. But not just pilgrimage, Fuji is a living volcano. According to the Shintau religion, the fire goddess Daichini Naorai lives in this Fuji volcano. According to Shantaud, this volcano is spiritually very sacred. According to Japanese Buddhists, this mountain is the main gateway to another world. Thousands of pilgrims and tourists flock to this mountain in summer.

Mount Agung, Bali

Mount Agung is a very sacred mountain to the citizens of Indonesia. It is located in Bali, the capital of the country. The height of the mountain is 10308 feet. The inhabitants of this country believe that Mount Agung is the central axis of the universe. The most important temple of Bali, Pur Beskih, is located on the slopes of Agung. The temple is located about three thousand feet above. Like Fuji, Agung is a living volcano. Geologists have warned of an eruption.

Mount Sinai, Egypt

Sinai is one of the holiest mountains in Egypt. Its height is 2275 meters. It is located in the city of St. Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. To the Bedouins it was also known as Mount Horeb, Mount Musa. There are various beliefs about the religious significance of Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai is mentioned in the Koran of Islam. Religious Faith While on this mountain, God spoke to Moses. And here Moses initiates 10 of his disciples. It is also a traditional site for Arab Bedouins and Christians. Religious people have been coming to this place for thousands of years.

