The Homeless Engineer

“I grew up on a farm and got an engineering degree. Being homeless is just another adventure.”

stories behind the fog
7 min readJun 28, 2017
Photography by Niranjan Deshpande

I grew up near Fairfield on a farm with my grandmother and uncle. Both sides of my family came to California from China in the Depression in the 1930s. They had to survive here, so my parents did whatever they could— working in factories, sweeping floors, etc. Within their community, that was all they knew.

In the late 1950s, a lot of people started owning cars. So then, our universe got bigger. You could now go to the next county.

But for us, as first-generation citizens, we were influenced by the native people. In the late 1950s, a lot of people started owning cars. So then, our universe got bigger. Instead of staying in your neighborhood, you could now go to the next county. And when you do that, you notice that not everybody gets up at 5:00 a.m. to go to work. And it makes you wonder, “What else did I miss?” And so the adventure begins.

We got by with one dollar a day per person. We mixed powder milk with condensed milk so it would taste better.



stories behind the fog

The stories of 100 people experiencing homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area. Soon to be published in a book to support our non-profit partners.