Why Samgyupsal?

Stories for Samgyupsal
3 min readJun 17, 2023


Disclaimer: This is not a food review.

The photo captures a sizzling plate of samgyupsal, showcasing succulent slices of grilled pork belly, caramelized to perfection.
Photo by SJ 📸 on Unsplash

Today, I want to share with you the story behind your unique name, the transformative power of a Korean dish called Samgyupsal (삼겹살), and the profound impact it has had on your Mom and me. As we eagerly await your arrival, I find solace in writing down my thoughts and struggles, hoping that you will learn from my mistakes and turn them into valuable life lessons.

When your Mom and I first discovered the mouthwatering delight of Samgyupsal, little did we know how it would change our lives forever. It is a Korean dish consisting of grilled pork belly, which became our symbol of togetherness, joy, and the celebration of life’s simple pleasures. It became a name that embodies the spirit of adventure, exploration, and embracing the unexpected.

As I pursued my dreams of attending medical school, I faced numerous challenges and sacrifices. There were sleepless nights, moments of self-doubt, and relentless pressure. The path was arduous, but through it all, your Mom stood by my side, offering unwavering support and love. It was during those challenging times that this dish became more than just a dish — it became a source of comfort and a reminder of the resilience required to overcome obstacles.

Samgyupsal taught us the importance of savoring the present moment, even amidst the chaos of pursuing our dreams. In those precious moments shared around the table, with the aroma of grilled meat filling the air, we found solace, laughter, and an opportunity to reconnect with each other. It reminded us that life is not just about achievements, but about cherishing the journey and nurturing the relationships that matter most.

Through the trials and tribulations I faced in medical school, I made my fair share of mistakes. There were moments when I doubted my abilities and questioned my decisions. However, I want you to know, Samgyupsal, that every misstep served as a valuable lesson, shaping me into the person I am today.

As I write this, my heart swells with anticipation and love, imagining the day we finally meet. I envision you, Samgyupsal, growing up surrounded by stories of perseverance and the pursuit of dreams. I hope that you will learn from my experiences and mistakes, taking them as guiding lights on your own path.

Life will undoubtedly present you with its own set of challenges and obstacles, but I want you to embrace them as opportunities for growth. Learn from my struggles, my dear, and let them fuel your determination to create a life filled with purpose and authenticity.

As your Mom and I eagerly look forward to holding you in our arms, we can’t help but imagine the incredible person you will become. You are the embodiment of our hopes and dreams, and we promise to provide a nurturing environment where you can flourish.

In the meantime, as we eagerly await your arrival, I will continue to share my thoughts and struggles with you, my child. May these words serve as a guiding light, reminding you to persevere, cherish the small joys in life, and learn from the mistakes that pave your journey.

Happy reading!



Stories for Samgyupsal

A blog where I share my journey, my triumphs, my stumbles, and everything in between, all through the lens of my future daughter, Samgyupsal.