Not just mining — spending too. How do we expand cryptocurrency application field?

3 min readSep 29, 2017


And what to buy?

I always keep asking people who buy btcs and ether if they’ve got any idea about spending them?

«Spending?», — I hear in reply, — «What for? I will just sell them when they will be on the rise.»

Yet cryptocurrency is a means of payment. I can’t figure out what is it for if you can’t pay with it.

«You can pay with it», — that’s what I’m told. — «You can pay for services with cryptocurrency, and a house in Texas was bought for btcs recently, haven’t you heard the news?».

Well, someone bought a house in Texas. And what about me? Сan I go shopping right now and buy something for myself at the shopping mall? Actually, no.

Such stories are as many as there are cryptocurrency holders. Their number counts up to 6 mln. already according to a recent. This is why we made up our minds to create a marketplace where unique goods can be bought for cryptocurrency. A serious problem we encountered in e-commerce was another prerequisite for that.

It’s about how to sell

In 2012 we founded Boomstarter — a crowdfunding platform where short-run productions could tell about their products and get people to invest in their business to develop it. Finally, we got to understand that, unfortunately, many interesting projects, get bogged down in local and regional markets. At the same time, international trade could enable them to grow and make an astronomically awesome product.

But here is what manufacturers say:

«At the startup stage I will have to invest 15 mln. dollars in that — and who can guarantee that an attempt to enter an international market would pay off?»

«Any access to world trade is denied as I can’t compete with corporations and have got no clue about the audience. You know, a marketing specialist can be really pricey.»

«In a global market, I will have to provide 24/7 maintenance and the corresponding services. I haven’t got the slightest idea how to do that.»

And then we realized that a solution to the above-mentioned issues — what to buy and how to sell — was lying on a surface and we had enough powers to implement it.

That was the way Storiqa came into existence

It’s a marketplace which gives small business access to a global market and accepts cryptocurrency as payment.

The idea is simple:

• Storiqa offers short-run productions to start sales at international level with the lowest possible commission payments and all the necessary marketing tools and services;

• Customers on Storiqa can pay for goods by cryptocurrency or by STQ token and get the best exchange rate.

So the use of cryptocurrency will expand as soon as its holders are granted access to millions of unique goods all over the world. Simultaneously short-run productions are being developed because the business owners get the modern sales tools and a guaranteed constant customer flow.

Our prospects

The marketplace will be operated by means of STQ token. The customer demand for our token will be generated by the existing demand of sellers (all the marketplace services can be paid for by STQ) and customer interest (the announcements about the most beneficial proposals will be placed for STQ).

The marketplace will be available in 6 languages and it will provide a direct interaction between sellers and buyers — be it some small business in Argentina or a customer from Eastern Europe, they will be able to meet and find a common ground.

Tomorrow we will tell you how we wrote our WhitePaper — by the way, here is a link to it.

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Storiqa We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.