Problems in e-commerce. How to present your products?

3 min readOct 30, 2017


Small-scale production accents on quality

Small-scale producers are usually idea-driven people who know all pitfalls of business they run. They constantly improve quality and work hard but at the same time the number of personnel is pretty small — from 2 to 10 employees. If you visit local store of small-scale production you will see goods which are carefully made and pleasant at usage. There is no doubt that such producers are primarily concerned about both goods uniqueness and quality rather than at large-scale production.

If you do not want to sell goods online

E-commerce has own rules. It does not provide touch experience that is why buyers make a decision about purchase basing on presentation tools of goods such as description, video, photo. Lack of information about product does not prompt customers to fill in the basket — worst case scenario — leaving online shop website.

Here are the examples of product description. Do you feel the differnce?

Obviously it makes sense to pay attention to product presentation on the online shop. If you do not want to sell goods online here are a few recommendations from Storiqa:

1) Take confusing photos

2) Use dirty background

3) Naming should be boring

4) Do not describe your products at all

5) Refuse from video presentation

For sure these all sarcastic tips. All goods need precise and appealing description. Otherwise, user simply close the website.

High expenses for online shop maintenance

It definitely requires time, effort and money for photographers, copywriters and translators (do not look for correspondence here). By the way, it is necessary to organize all of them.
Manager with marketing skills should elaborate product positioning strategy. Do small-medium enterprises have resources for this job? The answer is not really obvious in terms of small-scale production. However, it definitely worth doing because there is potential for business growth in online trading. According to statistics in 2017 share of online buyers has increased by 5% comparing to previous year and is equal to 24 mln people aged 16–55. Besides, market share of online orders from mobile phones is gradually increasing — by September it has reached 17% among them 22% of order from foreign shops.

What to do? In the next article we share how Storiqa helps to sellers with product description.

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Storiqa We believe in the Blockchain. We are into e-commerce too. We are creating a project that integrates these two issues into one.