Pregnancy, Delivery, and Breastfeeding During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Stork and Cradle
4 min readJun 12, 2020


Although the Coronavirus doesn’t seem to affect pregnant women differently than others, pregnant women are at a greater risk of contracting viral infections that affect their respiratory system like Covid-19 than people who are not pregnant. It is therefore important that pregnant women take extra precautions to avoid becoming infected. Here are some ways for you and your family to help you during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Pregnancy Coronavirus

Wash your hands properly.

Everyone should wash their hands for at least twenty seconds with soap and water. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. You should wash your hand frequently and especially:

After using the bathroom

After changing diapers

Before cooking or eating

Before breastfeeding or pumping

Before touching your face or eyes

After blowing your nose

After coughing or sneezing

After dealing with dirty laundry

After touching surfaces outside of your home like shopping carts

After touching your cell phone or keyboard or other frequently touched items

After handling items brought from outside of your home

Avoid large crowds

Although malls and restaurants are opening up around the U.S. and other countries, pregnant women should avoid areas where large groups of people meet. Instead of going to restaurants and grocery stores try delivery or pick up where available.

Only deal with businesses who are strictly following CDC and local guidelines.

Be vigilant when going to businesses by making sure they’re adhering to guidelines. Some businesses are small and can only allow a certain amount of people to enter at a time. If they aren’t following this, do not enter. Go to cashiers who are wearing facemasks and try to use contactless payments.

Practice Social Distancing

Don’t get too close. The CDC recommends at least 6 feet between people who are not living with you.

Wear a mask properly

Many people are wearing masks but they’re wearing them in a way that protects no one. Check out this video to see how to wear a face mask properly.

Cover your coughs and sneezes

Cover your cough and sneezes with the inside of your elbow.

Opt for a virtual baby shower and gender reveal

It’s so sad that Covid-19 has led to the cancelation of so many things but social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate your baby with your family. Baby showers and gender reveals have taken on a new form and have gone virtually with the help of Zoom. Here are some great examples of awesome baby showers done virtually or by parade or gift drop off.

Disinfect surfaces

Think about frequently touched surfaces and use disinfectant wipes or sprays to clean them. Remember to follow disinfectant labels Some surfaces that will need regular cleaning are:



Cell phones/ Tablets

Stirring wheels/ car doors

Light switches


The refrigerator door handle


Toilet seats

Door handles


Wash clothes and stuffed animals

If you go out in public, make sure you wash clothes properly. CDC recommends that you use the hottest settings. If someone is sick, wash their clothes separately.

-Make sure others are wearing face coverings and are following guidelines.

Continue to go to all prenatal appointments

Please keep all of your prenatal appointments. Your clinic should be taking all precautions to keep you and your baby safe by following CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Opt for virtual birth and breastfeeding classes

We offer virtual birth and breastfeeding classes and there are also doulas that are offering virtual doula services. Check out our virtual prenatal, newborn, and breastfeeding classes here.

Labor and Delivery During Covid-19 Pandemic

Your Ob-Gyn or Midwife will keep you posted on your birth centers specific guidelines concerning the number of guests who are able to visit, whether or not your doula can be present, or what will happen if you contract coronavirus.

Unfortunately, people outside of your home may not able to visit your little one until the epidemic is over.

Breastfeeding if you do have Covid-19

Limited data seem to indicate that it is not likely that Coronavirus can be spread through breast milk. Breast milk is a great way to protect newborns from illness and “is the best source of nutrition for most infants.”

If you need a virtual breastfeeding class or virtual lactation consulting, I’d love to help. Click here to find out more about our breastfeeding services.

Follow these CDC guidelines when breastfeeding and expressing breast milk if you have coronavirus.

If you have COVID-19 and choose to breastfeed:

  • Wear a cloth face covering while breastfeeding and wash your hands before each feeding.
  • If you have COVID-19 and choose to express breast milk:
  • Use a dedicated breast pump.
  • Wear a cloth face covering during expression and wash your hands before touching any pump or bottle parts and before expressing breast milk.
  • Follow recommendations for proper pump cleaning [Español] after each use, cleaning all parts that come into contact with breast milk.
  • If possible, expressed breast milk should be fed to the infant by a healthy caregiver who does not have COVID-19, is not at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and is living in the same home.

Stress, Anxiety, and Abuse

Pregnant women are also more susceptible to stress, anxiety, depression, and abuse and the Covid-19 Pandemic can exacerbate all of those things. Please if you think that you may be suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression please let your healthcare professional. They can and will help you. If you are being abused, please call 1–800–799–7233 (SAFE) or let your healthcare professional know.

Are you pregnant or have your delivered during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Let us know your number one tip for getting through these times in the comments.



Stork and Cradle

Parents come to Stork and Cradle for birthing & breastfeeding plans. They get permission to abandon beliefs about what the experience should be & get empowered.