Kevin Lux
1 min readSep 18, 2022


Cared for them? They were shipped off to a military base within 2 days. Suddenly, nobody on the Vineyard has any under-the-table jobs available, it seems. I guess the Obamas aren't home to put out a spread and some cots, either. How do you think those people got to Florida in the first place? The feds move them from the border and disperse them around the country--none to Martha's Vineyard, as far as I'm aware, though. Putting a strain on their school system would make some important people unhappy. Our own government is part of the delivery system for drug cartel smuggling operations. A couple state governors finally said, "we're full up." Politicians in receiving states may put on a good show of compassion, but its their voters who will suffer the depressed wages and overcrowded classrooms as their communities employ and educate people who did not legally immigrate.



Kevin Lux

Meteorologist, amateur photographer, designer of funny t-shirts, husband.