Published inUX Collective5 tips to help select great user interface fontsWhether or not you’re a seasoned designer, choosing a UI font can be a daunting task. As of writing this, Google Fonts alone has 997…Jan 2, 20201Jan 2, 20201
Published inUX Collective5 things I wish I’d known as a junior designer on the job huntPortfolio advice to a younger selfDec 26, 20192Dec 26, 20192
Published inPerficient Digital LabsBuilding a Progressive Web App in ReactWith Firebase’s new Firestore for offline supportMay 4, 20183May 4, 20183
Published inPerficient Digital Labs7 design tips to keep developers happyMy role as a hybrid designer and front-end engineer gives me a unique opportunity to see how the sausage is both designed and made. Our…Jan 29, 2018Jan 29, 2018
Web tech in plain EnglishDo your eyes glaze over at the mention of an API? Have no idea if cookies are good, bad, or just delicious?Jul 5, 20161Jul 5, 20161
Published inPerficient Digital LabsWhere does conversational UI leave design?What we learned making a bot that talks like a personFeb 29, 20169Feb 29, 20169
Published inPerficient Digital LabsSketch plugin: Unlock all layersUnlock all layers on the current artboard using ⌘⌥LOct 19, 201516Oct 19, 201516
How to Wizard of Oz Your ApplicationWizard of Oz prototyping is the process of making something manual appear automatic. The term comes from the novel and film, where the…Aug 4, 2015Aug 4, 2015