Lutris, DXVK, Wine, and Linux drivers cheatsheet

Nick @ The Linux Experiment
3 min readMar 2, 2019


Lutris Website,

This article is meant to be a companion to the video below, containing most commands mentioned in said video. You should definitely watch it first, and follow the instructions afterwards, since the article won’t give any context !


these commands are provided as-is, and should work for most users. They still will modify your system, and as such, are not risk-free. If you don’t know what you’re doing, or don’t want to risk your system’s integrity, DO NOT follow these instructions. I won’t feel or accept any responsibility if you wreck your system.

Also, these commands might change with time. As of today (3rd of March 2019, these are up to date, as far as I know).

Last note: on some Ubuntu-based distros (such as elementary OS), you can’t add PPA’s by default. If this is the case, install this package :

sudo apt install software-properties-common

Installing Lutris:

For Ubuntu-based distributions:

Open a terminal, and run these commands:

1 Add the Lutris repository to your sources:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris

2 Install Lutris:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install lutris

For Debian

1Add the Lutris repository to your sources:

echo “deb ./” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lutris.list

2Get the key to authenticate the repository:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

3Install Lutris:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install lutris

For Other Distributions:

Lutris is available in your repositories, just open your Software Center, Store, or whatever package manager your distro is using, and download it from here !

Installing Wine-Staging

Wine HQ has really clear instructions for most distros out there:

Arch and Arch-based distros users can just install the “wine-staging” package from the AUR.

Installing DXVK


DXVK is not in Ubuntu’s repos by default, so run these commands:

1Download DXVK



2Install the packages

sudo dpkg -i dxvk*

3Correct dependencies

The installation might have left some dependencies incorrectly installed. Run this command to correct that:

sudo apt install -f

4Configure DXVK

On Ubuntu, you’ll need to configure DXVK for it to actually work. Run these command:

cd /usr/lib/dxvk/wine64-development/



1Install DXVK

DXVK is in Debian’s main repository, so just install it by running

sudo apt install dxvk

2Configure DXVK

On Debian, you’ll need to configure DXVK for it to actually work. Run these command:

cd /usr/lib/dxvk/wine64-development/


Arch Linux

Arch users, and users of Arch Based distros can download DXVK from the Arch User Repository.

Just install the “DXVK-BIN” package, from your package manager, and everything will be downloaded and configured automatically.

Installing Drivers

AMD / Intel

The free AMDGPU and Intel drivers that ship by default should be enough for most users of a recent distribution.

On Arch, or Arch-based distros, or any rolling release, you shouldn’t have to install anything specific.

On Ubuntu-based distros, you might want to update the mesa drivers, using this PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/pkppa

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386


Look for Nvidia drivers in your package manager, or your drivers manager if your distro has one.

If you’re running nvidia-graphics-drivers-396, 410, or 415, you’re already up to date and shouldn’t have any problems.

If not, you should look for an updated version in your repositories.

Chances are, on Debian or Ubuntu based distributions, that the most recent version is 390.

In this case, add the following PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa

sudo apt update

sudo apt install nvidia-graphics-drivers-396

You can try install drivers higher than 396, but keep in mind they might not be optimized for your hardware if it’s not one of the newest Nvidia cards.

After that, you should be all set-up ! Install some games, and start playing !



Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Thirty (something) years old french guy, working as a Product Owner in Brest, Brittany, and passionnate about Linux, computing, and video games.