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| Ivanka’s Bullshit | People Ops 2020 | Ageism | Diversity Requires Diversity | Dostoyevsky |
Beacon NY 2020–01–10 | Ten days into 2020, and neck deep into new projects, I feel a bit off balance. That’s why the daily hasn’t been daily.
Ivanka Trump’s Future of Work Isn’t for Workers | I couldn’t take Ivanka Trump’s CES presentation on the future of work seriously. The idea made me ill. Brian Barrett parses Ivanka Trump’s talk, and finds only platitudes. The reality is that the Trump administration isn’t actually doing much that’s beneficial:
“I think it’s unambiguously bad,” says Heidi Schierholz, an economist with the liberal Economic Policy Institute and Department of Labor staffer in the Obama administration. “Every single time there’s a juncture where they could protect corporate interests or the interests of workers, they protect corporate interests.”
That applies even to ostensibly pro-worker programs like the Pledge to American Workers. “What we know is, most of the federal government training programs don’t work. What does work is when the private sector teams with a community college, a technical school, a university, a high school, and develops a curriculum that is taught to students and then ultimately hires those…