Anomalies, Ancient Continents, and Prehistoric Civilizations

Stephen Geist
6 min readJun 16, 2022
Photo by Mirko Fabian on Unsplash


“Anomalous phenomena” is a lofty term for artifacts, structures, and events that evade conventional explanation. By dictionary definition, an anomaly is an irregular circumstance, a deviation from the rule, something unexplainable or abnormal. In computer slang, a giant WTF! And our world, our history books, and our scientific discoveries are full of anomalies.

Strange and mysterious ‘things’ abound worldwide, from huge to intricate. From crop circles in the wheat fields of England to the Nazca lines etched in the dry plains of Peru to similar-shaped pyramids found not only in Egypt but also in Central and South America, China, eastern Europe, and even Arkansas. From crystal skulls to the small ancient statues of what appear to be aircraft — researchers are continually stumbling over anomalies.

With recent advances in geology, archaeology, paleontology, technology, and even space flight, a new understanding of Earth’s history and humanity’s ancient past is taking shape. Many scientific discoveries have been so astonishing that they require a dramatic shift in our perception of human evolution.

Amazing prehistory presents itself through stone megaliths, texts, maps, mythology, and anomalies — all of which 21st-century technology is helping us decipher. A new view of human history and the ancient world finally provides some answers we have long been searching for. And this new view is delivering a sense of satisfaction for many of us who have felt betrayed by our dogmatic science, history, and especially our religions.

Earth’s Ancient Continents

When addressing ancient anomalies, first note that mainstream science acknowledges that our planet looked much different 250 million years ago. Instead of a world with seven distinct continents, Earth was two things — a mass of ocean and a mass of land. The giant landmass was a supercontinent called Pangaea. But some researchers believe Pangaea was not the first continent. They think that other supercontinents had existed long before Pangaea. They simply broke apart and then recombined.

Greater Adria

One scientific discovery that helps reveal the extent of Earth’s history of lost continents has been labeled “Greater Adria.” If you don’t remember seeing Greater Adria in a world atlas, it’s because it is completely buried — not under the ocean but beneath southern Europe. Geologists say that rocks around and beneath the Mediterranean Sea reveal the full extent of Greater Adria for the first time. And it seems it was enormous — about Greenland’s size and rough shape.

About 140 million years ago, geologists say Greater Adria began to encounter southern Europe. Rocks from Greater Adria got scraped off and incorporated into the Alps — while chunks were embedded in southern Italy and Croatia. Greater Adria got bulldozed and buried in the process and mostly sank beneath today’s Italy, Greece, and the Baltics.

The burial of Greater Adria is not unique. Emerging studies of Earth’s mantle show traces of many ancient continents. Analysis of ancient rocks suggests that almost all of Earth’s earliest continents might have disappeared, taking with them much of the history of life on this planet — including any advanced prehistory civilizations that may have existed. The evidence of how life first appeared and flourished may be lost in the depths of Earth’s crust and its deep oceans.


Greater Adria has long remained unknown because it has been obliterated and obscured. But at least one other lost continent has been hiding in plain sight. Maps of the ocean floor show a vast elevated region surrounding the islands of New Zealand. This formation, known as Zealandia, is much more than a bump in the ocean. It is about two-thirds the size of Australia and more than twice as large as Greater Adria. It is a single, continuous continent, the eighth in the world (or seventh if you lump together Europe and Asia as Eurasia).

And like Greater Adria, Zealandia has been overlooked because it is a low-rider. A few hundred million years ago, during the dinosaurs, it was a part of the grand supercontinent that included Antarctica, Australia, Africa, and South America, known as Gondwana.

Millions of years later, the world’s tectonic plates (pieces of the Earth’s crust) began reorganizing themselves. This occurred in a period of dramatic geological change that also created the Pacific “Ring of Fire” — a belt in the Pacific where the world’s most active volcanoes are located. During this time, the Pacific Plate — the world’s largest tectonic plate — is believed to have sunk below the continental crust of Zealandia.

This process, called subduction, caused Zealandia’s base to break off and sink. Then Zealandia got separated 85–100 million years ago and eventually sank below the ocean surface — where it stayed largely hidden for centuries. Today Zealandia is about 94% submerged underwater. New Zealand and New Caledonia are its only significant outcrops of dry land.

Landmasses come and go

It now appears that Zealandia and Greater Adria are just two examples of what has been a regular Earth process over billions of years. Continents are not stable, permanent fixtures on our planet. Extending back to the early beginnings of our world more than 2 billion years ago, we find that continents have been fragile and transient. Continents easily crumble, fracture, or erode. And so, it seems we will never know what fabulous kinds of happenings may have occurred on those early lost continents.

Earth’s Prehistoric Civilizations

Given the age of Earth and the billions of years of geologic recycling, the likelihood of prehistory civilizations is considered quite feasible by many non-mainstream scientists. But it isn’t easy to get mainstream science and religious dogma to accept such a reality because it would turn all traditional belief structures upside down.

More and more evidence from various researchers and scholars suggests that at one time, long before our recorded history and our known cultures, there existed on Earth a highly technological civilization(s) that fell into ruin due to natural catastrophes, war, or both. Such an advanced prehistory civilization was either centered in one location and pursued worldwide commerce — or it was a worldwide culture.

Unfortunately, what little evidence is being made available to us today — by those in control — comes primarily in the form of seemingly unbelievable fanciful stories, legends, and fables. As a result, we ignore such accounts along with the countless incredible ancient anomalies from around the world. Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Agartha, Thule, Shambhala, Shangri-La, and Cibola are just a few names referring to ancient lost civilizations that exist now only in the form of fables, myths, and legends.

Even though evidence of prehistoric civilizations is plentiful worldwide, it is usually completely ignored by mainstream science and religious dogma. The evidence is everywhere. And the avalanche of evidence grows with each new archaeological discovery. What we think of as our earliest societies — the Sumerians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Chinese — may be nothing but the remnants of earlier great prehistoric global civilizations.

Perhaps the most famous of these lost civilizations is Atlantis. More than 2,000 years ago, Plato wrote about Atlantis — a continent where a mighty empire existed but ultimately vanished beneath the waves after a series of “excessively violent earthquakes and floods.” Mainstream science and religion say Plato’s tale is merely a nonsensical fable. But now, it seems that Plato was on to something. In recent years — as new scientific research shows that lost continents are real — unconventional theorists are putting forth some very credible hypotheses as to how an Atlantis-type civilization might have come to be, where it was located, and where it ended up.

Whether or not you believe that Atlantis existed, substantial evidence indicates that a widespread and advanced civilization existed in prehistory. The proof lies all about us — unrecognized for what it is because of narrow-minded scientific thinking and steadfast religious dogma.


If this article intrigues you, then you might like my series of six self-published books designed to present ‘some of what I know so far’ on a wide range of interesting subjects, including human evolution, spirituality, politics, religion, finance, nature, science, ancient anomalies, the cosmos and so much more.

This article is compiled from chapter 5 of my third book in the series titled: “So, here’s some of what I know so far regarding the Sci-Tech, Anomalies, Human 2.0 and ETs.”

You can find my books on Amazon by searching “books by Stephen Geist.”

Each of the six books has relevance to the other books but reading them in order is unnecessary. Each book can stand alone but reading all six books in the series would be better. Maybe you will awaken to a new state of ‘being,’ as I have — one that is both breathtaking and startling.

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Stephen Geist

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.