Becoming Aware of Your Awareness — Which Can Lead to Your Awakening

Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
6 min readMay 15, 2022


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Awareness holds the power to transform your world

When unconscious, your brain passively receives constant input from the outside world, with minimal reactions and no creativity.

In this state, the emotions are in control. They arise spontaneously and run their course. If indulged in, unconscious emotions can bring a state of imbalance in the brain. Destructive behavior may result. Emotional habits can become wired into fixed neural pathways.

Awareness is the power concealed in the present moment. It implies that you are conscious of the world around you and of being ‘self-aware.’

If you can sense an alert inner stillness in the background while things happen in the foreground — that’s it! When you are aware, your mind pays attention to this input stream. You select, decide, sort, process, and choose what to accept and what to reject.

When you stop being out of control emotionally and can say, “I am feeling X,” you’ve reached the first stage of detachment. In this state, you are taking the first step toward bringing X into balance.

Memory shows you how an emotion worked out in the past, whether for good or not so good. In other words, your level of awareness transcends simple learning and memory.

Many people believe that life should be lived by common sense and reason. More importantly, we should ‘feel’ our way through life utilizing as much awareness and intuition as possible.


It’s good to be aware, but self-awareness is even better. To say to yourself, “I am angry,” gets you only so far if you aim to control your anger. Knowing where your anger comes from adds the component of self-awareness. You are aware of being aware.

When you are self-aware, you loop back on what you are doing, asking, “How is this for me?” When you are aware, you could be anyone. But when you’re self-aware, you become unique. I am feeling X turns into “What do I think about X? Where is it taking me? What does it mean for me?”

Once self-awareness dawns on you, the questions you can ask about yourself and how you think and feel are unlimited. Self-aware questions are the keys that expand your consciousness. And when that happens, the possibilities are infinite. Self-awareness changes perception. The more aware you are, the more power you have over this 3D reality.


“Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to — and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.” – Henri Bergson

What does it mean to “Awaken”?

This topic can be confusing because awakening can mean different things to different people. The word and its many variants are often used to describe various experiences in this 3D reality and beyond.

Boiled down to its most basic meaning, awakening is a process that challenges and disrupts one’s current understanding of the nature of existence. With an awakening, one shifts one’s perspective on how one sees this 3D reality.

You discard an older, more limited framework for understanding reality and incorporate new concepts you previously ignored or rejected. A genuine awakening causes you to recognize that much of what you once thought or understood you now ‘know’ was incorrect.

Awakening is a shift in consciousness. For most people, it is not an event but a process they undergo — a process in which the new state of consciousness gradually flows into and transforms everything they do—and so becomes integrated into their lives.

When you are ‘awake’—instead of being lost in your thoughts—you recognize yourself as the awareness behind your thoughts. Awareness is a conscious connection with universal intelligence. Another word for it is ‘presence’ — consciousness without thought.

Awakening is related to — but distinct from — enlightenment, as I will explain in another article. Enlightenment requires awakening, but awakening does not necessarily result in enlightenment.

There are many types of awakening. But four are often connected.

1. Awakening to the actual constructed state of society

This type of awakening means a person begins to realize that, over the millennia, society has been ‘constructed’ by greedy, self-serving human beings. Our society has been erected in countless ways to accommodate extreme imbalances of wealth, power, and control.

This form of awakening sheds new light on human society, which once seemed ‘just natural in its evolution.’

Being awake in this sense means being aware of the inequities in access to goods and services, disparities in income, and discriminatory impacts on different sectors of society.

A critical part of this type of awakening is to recognize that we have built a world based on categories of identity that heighten differences and reflect inaccurate and unjust beliefs about a person’s value and right to belong.

This type of awakening brings to light the deeply embedded disparities that inflict a great deal of injustice and suffering on different members of society.

In short, you awaken to how much suffering there is in the world. And that all of us have naively participated (to varying degrees) in this constructed dysfunctional state of society.

2. Awakening to the natural world

The natural world that humans inhabit is often thoroughly unappreciated for its magnificent capacity to elevate our consciousness.

Some people awaken to the natural world when they realize that many life forms possess consciousness, thought, and feeling, similar to humans.

Some people awaken to recognize that many life forms have and are experiencing enormous suffering, mistreatment, and extinction at the hands of humans.

People awakened to the natural world begin to view most life forms on Earth as sentient entities with a right to exist as much as humans.

In this state of awakening, some people develop a deep connection to Gaia (Earth and Nature) — and protecting the environment becomes a paramount concern.

Some people are empaths capable of connecting to the consciousness of the plant and animal kingdoms — meaning that they understand and experience how plants and animals perceive the world.

Once awakened to Earth’s consciousness — and you step into her Nature — you fully appreciate a world that vibrates with an incredibly vibrant energy you have never noticed before. You can almost see the colorful flow of energy throughout the natural realm.

There is a key lesson in this awakening: We are not separate from the natural world — but our brain and ego tell us otherwise. When we return to our true nature — pure loving energy (the Divine) in a physical form (Nature) — we become whole again.

3. Awakening to the ‘conditioned’ state of the brain and ego

Our beliefs and biases regarding this 3D physical reality are not natural. And this speaks to the following truth: The human brain has been constructed by eons of evolution and otherworldly intervention. And it has been conditioned through millennia of society’s influence.

As a result, our brain processes multitudes of misguided thoughts and beliefs about the nature of reality and what our life means. In addition, our brain and nervous system have evolved to interpret the input that our very limited five physical senses provide.

The truth is those interpretations are not remotely comprehensive or accurate — as you will learn in some of my other articles, this 3D physical reality is an illusion.

4. Awakening to unseen realities and energy realms

So, what’s beyond our illusionary 3D reality? When you begin to see beyond the veil, the “matrix” reveals itself. This is a form of awakening that more and more people are finally experiencing.

During this awakening, you recognize that you are not just your brain or physical body. Instead, you begin to perceive the infinite vastness of the unseen realms of existence. This is an awakening to energy in all its manifestations.

You have an energy field surrounding you and various energy centers known as chakras at multiple points along your body. You have energetic connections to individuals and unseen entities in higher energy densities and dimensions, including your soul and higher self.

You are so much more than your brain and body. You are eternal energy.



Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.