Earth’s Prehistory Civilizations — Part 3

Given the age of Earth and the billions of years of geologic and climatic recycling, the likelihood of prehistory civilizations is considered quite feasible. But getting mainstream science and religious dogma to accept such a reality is difficult because it would turn all traditional belief structures upside down.

Stephen Geist
7 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

This article is part three in a series. Click here to read part 2. If you’re all caught up, let’s examine some more historical realities regarding Earth’s prehistoric civilizations.

Earth Cataclysms 12,000 years ago

There is strong evidence that an unimaginable catastrophe, or more likely a series of disasters, occurred on Earth between 11,000 and 4,000 BC. The geological and biological evidence supports the countless stories and traditions that describe such events.

These catastrophe stories come from ancient cultures in Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, Africa, throughout the American continents, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, China, Japan, and the Middle East.

A prevalent theme in ancient texts, myths, and religions is a cataclysm of some kind. Usually, they were described as intense floods, fires, or other devastating calamities.

In the Hebrew Bible, for example, God punishes humankind for their decadence and sinful ways. He sends punishment in the form of a great flood that destroys nearly all living things on the planet, except for Noah, his family, and the animals rescued aboard his ark.

If there is one thing that unites ancient cultures across the world, it’s that they all pretty much have flood stories attached to them. Deluges and great floods swamping and covering the entire planet — wiping out whole races of people. In most cultures, this is ascribed as the work of angry gods displeased with humanity.

Scattered archaeological excavations worldwide indicate that what is regarded as the Great Flood was a planet-wide catastrophe that occurred about 12,000 years ago.

Such a great tragedy might explain why there were so few humans in the past on a planet that had housed so many great prehistory civilizations more than 10,000 years ago. Most were lost in the incredible devastation.

Ancient Civilizations — Post Cataclysm

We are taught that about 6,000 years ago, Homo sapiens abruptly transformed from hunter-gatherers into farmers who, in short order, built and gathered in what was to become city-states which then became nations and empires.

Scientists have avoided the question: How did these early humans so quickly change from small packs of hunter-gatherers into an advanced agricultural society? It is unacceptable to believe that primitive humans acquired such knowledge and skills on their own overnight.

Legends and myths from different peoples living across the ancient world seem to tell essentially the same story. At the dawn of the present modern time cycle — what Egyptians called ZEP TEPI (“The First Time”) — a mysterious group of ‘gods’ appeared on Earth (or returned to Earth).

They came to teach humans the basics of civilization. These unique individuals with “godlike” powers descended to Earth from the heavens in flying machines. They molded humankind into a civilized state following a period of cataclysmic upheaval — the Great Flood. These ‘gods’ then departed Earth back to the ‘heavens.’

From the Anunnaki in Sumer to Thoth and Osiris in Egypt to Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha in the Americas, traditions worldwide attribute the origins of contemporary civilization to this sophisticated and knowledgeable group of beings.

Sumerian clay tablets with cuneiform inscriptions are one of the oldest forms of written record discovered so far. They have been translated and tell exciting stories about how ‘gods’ intervened and had a hand in creating humankind. For more about Sumer, click here. For more about the fascinating tale of the Anunnaki, click here.

Ancient societies were fascinated by the stars

For as long as Homo sapiens have walked the Earth, our species has gazed in awe at the night sky. Stars became the stuff of legends, the home of the gods, and sometimes, man’s final resting place. Therefore, it is no surprise that ancient humans constructed incredible monuments dedicated to these celestial wonders.

Today, when we look at some of the amazing ancient structures worldwide, we find that many of them were perfectly aligned astronomically with the sun, planets, and stars.

But why was it so important for ancient civilizations to track the star sky? Was it merely to monitor the seasons to know when to plant crops, as mainstream science would have us believe? Or might there have been other, perhaps more profound purposes?

There is growing postulation that a vanished prehistory culture(s) was the product of extraterrestrial influence in human affairs hundreds of thousands of years ago. Driving this speculation is the considerable knowledge of astronomy and star systems possessed by many ancient cultures worldwide — knowledge that was superior to that of astronomers just three hundred years ago.

The Dogon tribe in West Africa, for example, talks of space travelers called Nommos, who came to Earth thousands of years ago from the Sirius star system and gave the Dogon detailed information about their world and our solar system.

The Dogon described Sirius as having binary suns, a fact unknown until recently. The Sumerians knew about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto long before anyone else. The ancient Mayans believed their ancestors came from the Pleiades. Chinese texts tell of long-lived rulers from the heavens who sailed through the skies in “fire-breathing dragons.”

The Hopi Indians of the American southwest scratched petroglyphs into their rock faces that show entities with radiating wreaths — gods that descended from the sky. The Hopi Indians say that these beings were Kachinas from space who came to Earth in aircraft and brought the Hopi knowledge from another planet.

The Aleuts of the Aleutian Islands believe their ancestors descended from the sky. Stonehenge may have been used for religious purposes, but it was also used for astronomical observations.

The Aztecs and the ancient Egyptians charted most planets in the solar system thousands of years before European astronomers. And even more compelling is that these two ancient cultures were thousands of miles and half a world apart.

Ancient teachers from the stars

The ancient Mayans believed that Quetzalcoatl was a great teacher. He was also known as Viracocha to the Incas and as the sun god Ra to the Egyptians.

Sargon, the first great leader of the Akkadian dynasty — which succeeded the Sumerians in Mesopotamia — attributed his knowledge to the God Anu. At the same time, the Babylonian king Hammurabi was said to have gained power through Marduk — a reference to the accounts of the Anunnaki in Sumer. In India, man is believed to be descended from gods who flew in fiery crafts called vimanas.

These are the fabled ‘gods’ of ancient Summer, Egypt, India, and the Americas. But these tales have never been given credibility. These historical accounts have been branded by mainstream science as myths and fantasies.

So, is there any historical or archaeological evidence to support such beliefs? Yes, there is. And while such evidence contradicts many of our conventional histories, it is compelling.

The examples of ancient stories just mentioned are culled from ancient texts, tablets, and carvings scattered throughout the world. Almost all ancient legends tell of flying objects under intelligent control, from the flying sky gods of the Middle East to the destructive vimanas described in the Hindu Vedic texts.

They also describe strange visitors who taught early humans about language, mathematics, agriculture, and building construction. And they tell a consistent story — visitors from the stars colonizing the Earth.

Why did so many ancient civilizations have similar stories?

All around the world, there are similar legends of people from the stars coming to Earth and profoundly impacting the people of this group or that culture. And all these accounts were coming in similar time frames. We see a common pattern developing, and mainstream science and religious dogma find it challenging to ignore.

Mainstream archaeologists tell us that all these civilizations worldwide — in the Americas, on remote Pacific islands, in Asia and Africa, and in Europe — were disconnected from each other. And that there was no interaction between any of the civilizations throughout the world in ancient times.

But evidence and common sense put it the other way around. All these ancient civilizations were very much connected in some special way.

So, there is an alternative interpretation of these so-called myths and legends. A reality in which not gods but intelligent beings with advanced technology came to Earth in the distant past.

These beings either created or modernized humankind and established or renewed civilization and culture on Earth for the first time. Then, for some reason — perhaps associated with a cataclysmic event — they departed back to the stars, usually under some discord between humankind and the ETs.


If this article intrigues you, then you might like my series of six self-published books designed to present ‘some of what I know so far’ on a wide range of interesting subjects, including human evolution, spirituality, politics, religion, finance, nature, science, ancient anomalies, the cosmos and so much more.

This article is compiled from chapter 5 of my third book in the series titled: “So, here’s some of what I know so far regarding the Sci-Tech, Anomalies, Human 2.0, and ETs.”

You can find my books on Amazon by searching “books by Stephen Geist.”

Each of the six books has relevance to the other books but reading them in order is unnecessary. Each book can stand alone but reading all six books in the series would be better. Maybe you will awaken to a new state of ‘being,’ as I have — one that is both breathtaking and startling.

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Stephen Geist

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.