The Fascinating Story of the Anunnaki — Part 2

Sumerian cuneiform texts say the Anunnaki were ancient stellar travelers who came to Earth to mine gold, impart great knowledge, and created Homo sapiens to function as slaves.

Stephen Geist
7 min readNov 10, 2022
Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

According to Sumerian cuneiform texts — about 450,000 years ago, before the Great Flood and during Earth’s Pleistocene ice age, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth. These ancient astronauts established their initial base camp in Mesopotamia in the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

The supreme Anunnaki ruler, Anu, supervised the effort from the home planet of Nibiru as the Anunnaki began a systematic colonization of Earth under the leadership of Anu’s two sons, Enlil and Enki.

This article is part two of a series. Click here to read part 1.

If you are all caught up, let’s ponder more about the Anunnaki and the Great Flood.

The new hominin — the Adamu — Human 1.0

One of the goals of the Anunnaki was to breed a ‘slave’ race to perform manual labor. To that end, the Anunnaki infused their DNA and genetic material and effectively bestowed upon a new form of human many physiological features, strengths, and abilities not previously occurring in then-existing hominins.

The early Human 1.0 known as the ‘Adamu’ ultimately bred among themselves and lived for hundreds of earth years. The Nephilim (half human and half Anunnaki) lived for thousands of years.

All this longevity was thanks to Anunnaki genes. And in the opinion of ancient humans, the extreme life spans of the pure-blooded Anunnaki made them appear immortal.

One of the concerns of the Anunnaki was that the new humans would want to live for as long as their pure-blooded Anunnaki overlords. As a result of this concern, the Anunnaki set about manipulating the DNA of humans to drastically reduce their life span and limit the total capacity of their brains.

The final genetic version of Human 1.0 incorporated these modifications. The Anunnaki denied Homo sapiens the intelligence and extreme longevity that the Anunnaki possessed because it did not suit their purposes. Homo sapiens were invented to be slave workers, nothing more.

Before the Great Flood

With the ability to reproduce among themselves, the human population exploded in Mesopotamia and the far-flung Anunnaki mining operations. With human procreation out of control, Enlil was enraged. He thought that humans were too troublesome and should be erased.

So, Enlil decided he would eliminate all the humans by utilizing what we know today as the ‘Great Flood.’ Like Prometheus in the Greek tales, Enki took the side of the humans and said, no, they should be preserved.

The Anunnaki leadership realized that severe climatic changes would occur with the imminent return of the planet Nibiru to the near vicinity of Earth. So, Enlil made his move.

In the Anunnaki’s Great Assembly, Enlil convinced the majority to allow nature to take its course — to wipe out the humans. At the same time, the Anunnaki would wait out events in evacuation ships orbiting Earth. Enki, however, had a plan of his own.

The Great Flood

The Sumerian Flood Story (also known as the ‘Sumerian Creation Myth’) is the oldest Mesopotamian text relating the tale of the Great Flood. The Sumerian story is dated to 2300 BC in its written form but is believed to be much older — as it was preserved by oral tradition until finally committed to writing.

This ‘Great Flood’ story would also appear in later works, such as the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh (2150–1400 BC) and — most famously — the story of Noah and his ark from the biblical Book of Genesis (1450 BC).

Priest-King Ziusudra is listed in the Sumerian ‘King’s List’ as the last king of Sumer before the Great Flood. He is subsequently recorded as the hero of the Sumerian Flood Story — as he was chosen to survive the flood and preserve life on Earth. This same figure appears as Utnapishtim in the later Babylonian version of the flood story — The Epic of Gilgamesh.

According to the Sumerian story, Enki warned Ziusudra to build an ark so that he and his family might be saved from the Great Flood. To escape Enlil’s detection, the ark was built in the mountains.

In the later ‘Great Flood’ story of the Hebrew Bible, Noah was also directed to build an ark. This helps establish that the biblical tale was not original but was drawn from the much older Sumerian account.

In the biblical version, the rationale for the flood was human sinfulness. And so, what the biblical Hebrew scribes did was provide a theological explanation for the Great Flood.

According to the Sumerian story, the Great Flood was an anticipated natural event taken advantage of by Enlil, who had grown tired of the noise of humans. When the time came, the Anunnaki left the planet in flying craft as an enormous surge of water wiped out much of humanity.

The deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth wiped out most of the human settlements. After six days and nights, the storms receded. Yet, most of the land had disappeared. Finally — as in both the Babylonian and Biblical accounts — the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.

Interestingly, the Babylonian account stated that the Great Flood was not merely the result of heavy rains but also colossal winds that increased in intensity, thereby destroying buildings and rupturing dikes. These are the kinds of effects we might expect from a large planetary body passing by Earth. Or a large celestial object striking Earth — such as a giant asteroid.

Great Flood stories from around the ancient world

The Great Flood story occurs in many ancient cultures, including the Mesopotamian flood stories, Pralaya in Hinduism, the Gun-Yu in Chinese mythology, Deucalion and Pyrrha in Greek mythology, the Genesis flood narrative, Bergelmir in Norse mythology, the arrival of the first inhabitants of Ireland with Cessair in Irish mythology, the lore of the K’iche’ and Maya peoples in Mesoamerica, the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa tribe of Native Americans in North America, the Muisca and Cañari Confederation in South America, Africa, and some Aboriginal tribes in Australia.

Fanciful Myth or Historical Fact?

Is it just a fanciful coincidence that there are so many similar ‘Great Flood’ stories found in ancient cultures around the world? Or might the story of Noah and all the other stories be a repeating version of the Sumerian tale? A tale of displeased human overlords — superior being(s) bent on destroying and starting over with the hybrid humans that inhabited the Earth.

Could all these stories from around the world have their origins in historical fact? Is it possible the Anunnaki had prior knowledge of — or were responsible for causing — what has been called the Great Flood? And did the flood destroy most of early Homo sapiens and other hominins, as well as nearly all evidence of the Anunnaki’s time on Earth?

Was the Arc actually a craft carrying a gene bank?

The Sumerian texts state that Enki instructed Ziusudra: “Aboard ship take thou the seed of all living things….” This instruction is fascinating since Enki had been the science officer involved in the genetic engineering of humans.

And, since Enki was on the human’s side, did he place Ziusudra in charge of a prehistoric version of today’s secured gene banks that exist worldwide to ensure against loss of flora and fauna species during large-scale global crises? It’s plausible that Ziusudra took DNA samples of all living things rather than a boatload of animals and plants.

Another interesting possibility: A craft was built for Ziusudra to escape the great flood. But not a boat Arc — instead a spaceship Arc built to orbit in space around Earth to escape the flood. This theory is no more farfetched than the Bible version of a boat holding two of all living things on Earth.

No matter the actual story, it seems the seeds of humanity were preserved to thrive after the global flood/catastrophe. And, as time passed, Enlil regretted his early decision to let humanity perish. After he realized that some humans had survived the flood, Enlil had little choice but to relent and allow them to re-establish on Earth.

Next up in this three-part series: The Anunnaki and Human 1.0 in a post-flood world. Stay tuned.


If this article intrigues you, then you might like my series of six self-published books designed to present ‘some of what I know so far’ on a wide range of interesting subjects, including human evolution, spirituality, politics, religion, finance, nature, science, ancient anomalies, the cosmos and so much more.

This article is compiled from chapter 8 of my third book in the series titled: “So, here’s some of what I know so far regarding Sci-Tech, Anomalies, Human 2.0, and ETs.”

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Stephen Geist

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.