Why MEMES make sense.

Stephen Walker
3 min readJun 21, 2018

and if you don’t know what a meme is then I think you’ve been living under a rock for many, many years.

Here’s a quick example of a meme;

Simple and it hits the funny bone on occasion.

So pop culture is not something I get too deep in to, yet I try to keep on the latest “happenings” — bare in mind, if you ask me about anything celebrity gossip-wise I honestly couldn’t give to shits about what The Kardashians are doing to “level up” our society. Fair do’s to them, they’ve hit success in their own right and I’m not gonna judge what success is.

Getting back to the memes:

They make perfect sense because you don’t have to be super technical to make them. There are tonnes of generators out there to whip one up.

The only thing you need to get right is what each popular meme represents.

Some are condescending, some are witty, some just don’t make sense and again here’s an example:


The last panel is the most common part of this particular meme, just a comic representation of someone crying at the fact that they’re potentially gonna be alone forever. Pretty simple to understand to be honest.

If you want to gain a PhD in memeology I’d definitely check out www.http://knowyourmeme.com

After spending a few hours on there, you’ll find everything you need to know about memes.

So why do they make sense?

Well you can use yourself as the topic of a meme and use that to create engaging content for your audience or use the correct meme as a visual catch to what you’re writing. Maybe it spices up the content, or creates some drama.

I mean who doesn’t like drama right?

The main thing that makes memes so great:

If done right, they catch attention.

They stop people from mindlessly scrolling through a feed and you’ll get a few extra eyeballs on it.

They keep the attention often times more than the average wall of text post.

Humans are visual by nature and having text and then a small image to add a little weight to it makes it easier for us to engage with.

They’re pretty addictive and depending on your sense of humour there are tame memes, and very, very dark ones.

(Yeah I like the dark memes lol)

Anyways, that’s my two cents regarding these 500x500 pixel images. I’m gonna go find some more to add to my phone. I don’t have photos anymore, I have memes. Lots and lots of memes.

Hopefully you’ll also add this as part of a content strategy to whatever platforms you operate on. Facebook, Instagram or even Medium.

k bye.

